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July 19th, 2009

[info]buggerallmods in [info]fantasy_rpgs


The Wizarding World has seen its fair share of suffering, such as the reign of Lord Voldemort that occurred not once, but twice. But, as it was foreseen, good triumphed over evil and the world gained peace. It seemed to be everlasting for witches and wizards everywhere, a great relief to those who feared the worst in the midst of rebuilding. Twenty-five years later, someone now threatens to destroy the peace that has come to be, though not in such a way that would strike fear in the general public. It's much worse: Hogwarts has a new Headmaster and the students aren't going to like him.

Tiberius Ogden was just appointed the position of Headmaster of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry during the summer, the former Headmaster, Matthew Harrison, having abruptly retired when he suddenly came upon a very large sum of money. The Ogden name is famous for its liquor, though Tiberius has no interest in making drunks out of his peers. No, Tiberius Ogden followed another path, one of strict behavior that came with wielding a firm hand rather than a tap. A retired Hit Wizard, Tiberius has known a life of hardship and determination and believes that today's youth are becoming weak-minded prats. As a way to change this, he quickly took up the position Headmaster Harrison wished to discard.

Students will be in for quite the shock when they return to school to have their yearly start of term feast. Not only are they receiving a new Headmaster, but he comes with a whole new set of rules - rules so numerous in count that a book of them was created - something each student will find at their seat.

Will your student follow the rules or say Bugger All! to them?
Opens August 1st! WE WANT YOUR MALES!!

[info]vas_captio_mod in [info]fantasy_rpgs

Vas Captio
Vas Captio
Vas Captio
Vas Captio
Premise | Rules | FAQ
Application | Taken/Held/Banned | Wanted | Map

The fading stench of sulfur is still lingering in the air when you wake up, disoriented and groggy, the gentle rain aiding to bring you back to consciousness. Wherever you were, whether you were sleeping or simply resting your eyes at the time, is long gone.

Now, you're in the middle of the forest and beside the fact that you were one place last you remember and are now in completely another, something else still feels off. On your person is nothing except a small "survival kit" with an unfamiliar logo; two words in Latin: Vas Captio. The kit contains soggy matches, a packet of Tic Tacs, a pair of tube socks, a bottle of water, and a journal with a pen taped to it.

When you finally feel together enough to get up and walk, making your way out of the forest, you come upon an abandoned town. Try as hard as you might, you won't be able to figure out where or when you are. And that glass wall looms ominously above.

Welcome to VAS CAPTIO. You're on our time now, so sit back, try to relax, and just be yourself. That's why you're here, after all; we are very interested in studying you. But, then, you'll find that out soon enough on your own.

VAS CAPTIO is a panfandom horror/survival game that opened on Saturday, March 21st. We are currently accepting character holds and applications.

[info]ex_fairmaide707 in [info]fantasy_rpgs

active players seeking imaginative writers!

The Kingdom of Frell is at peace.

Though the so-called Golden Age of King Char and Queen Ella is long over- so long ago now that few are still alive who can remember it- life continues on much as it ever did. Merchants travel the lands far and wide, finding new and exotic goods to bring back to Greenville, the town just outside the royal palace. Greenville's markets are thriving, and most of the town's inhabitants pay little mind to the castle looming in the distance.

That is, of course, until The Gray Death appears. There is no known cure. Sufferers initially feel very weak, and are soon not even able to get out of bed. Overcome by fever, their complexions turn gray and they die. Still, Greenville believes it is safe- there are just rumors of the illness, and being so close to the castle, they're safe, right?


The illness knows no boundaries, a fact that is brought starkly to light when the King of Frell contracts the disease and dies a short time later. The King leaves behind a land in limbo- his wife, the Queen, is trying her level best to keep power from the hands of their immature son. Heroes search for a cure, trying to avenge their fallen King. And life in Greenville continues on, if a bit more cautiously.

Happily ever after was never a guarantee.

Fair is an original character role playing game inspired by Ella Enchanted, Fairest, and The Two Princesses of Bamarre by Gail Carson Levine. The game takes place in the world created by those books.

Character ListRulesApplication

ModeratorThreading CommunityOOC Community

Wanted Characters )

[info]justforeverme in [info]fantasy_rpgs

Eidolon City

Are you looking for a new game, a new world to play in?
Do you have original characters who need a home, somewhere new to go?
Are you looking for a world that's structured to allow you to get the most from your characters, which allows those 'chance meetings' to not be so chance at all, where coincidence is all part of the overarching plot?
Are you looking for a place where heroes can be heroes and villains can actually get realistic play?

Eidolon City is a brand new game which is opening soon and it could be the game for you!

Based in a noir world, a city out of vintage movies, where organised crime rules the streets and where it takes a strong heart and will to remain on the straight and narrow. It is a city in a world where nothing is quite what it seems, where certain people appear to be 'significant', others appear to be living representations of fairytales and myths and some have strange dreams of another world.

Eidolon City is an original character game which is structured to help you get the most out of your game play - we're looking for a wide variety of characters and the game is run by two friendly mods who can help you get the most of this exciting new opportunity.

Check it out today!

~*~ Eidolon City ~*~ Premise ~*~ Application ~*~
~*~ Game Information ~*~
~*~Rules ~*~ FAQs ~*~PB Reserve ~*~

[info]mysteria_mods in [info]fantasy_rpgs

Mysteria: An Original Supernatural PB RP

What if the town you lived in was filled with the supernatural? What if your next door neighbor was a vampire? How about a werewolf as your 4th period English Teacher? And that girl at the super market? Yeah, she can read your mind.

Welcome to Mysteria where the strange is normal. In a town that was founded by supernaturals, it's generally accepted by the humans that live there that their neighbors are...a bit eccentric. Everyone has a secret here and what happens in Mysteria, stays in Mysteria.

Mysteria is an original rp set in the supernatural/paranormal genre. We are a game with original characters in an original setting. We are character development focused with character and group plots encouraged. Major plot lines that will affect the game as a whole are given by the mods and all characters are welcome to get involved.

We are looking for players that are looking to have fun while developing their characters and plots with others. Supernatural and human characters alike are needed. Characters of all ages are welcome, but players must be of 18 years of age due to violence and mature content that may occur.

What we have to offer: friendly mods who are there for you and keep you informed; character development and plots; game and group wide plots; characters from every age range; friendly and awesome rpers who are always up for a storyline; no weekly adds, once you're approved we get you added so you don't have to wait to get started!

Open Since November 12, 2007
Looking for fresh blood!
Game Info | [info]mysteria_mods | [info]mysteria_rpg | [info]mysteria_ooc | Follow Us on Twitter

[info]magic_mods in [info]fantasy_rpgs

Magic School: a crossover rpg

What if Salem Witches' Institute is the very same Magic School the Halliwells protect? Perhaps centuries ago the Ministry of Magic orchestrated a separation of Church and State that excluded the Elders and WhiteLighters from interfering with European witchcraft. But their reach didn't extend to the colonies where magic was stifled and only encouraged by WhiteLighters. Now it's nearly 25 years after the battles against Voldemort and the Ultimate Power. Both Hogwarts and Salem Institute are open again. But when the peace of both sides is threatened, Potters and Halliwells will have to unite wizards and witches everywhere under a common cause.


Coop, Hestia Jones, Paige Matthews, Harry Potter, Ginny Weasley, Hugo Weasley, Lucy Weasley, Molly Weasley, Ron Weasley, Leo Wyatt

[info]sevenyears in [info]fantasy_rpgs

Welcome to your seventh year at Hogwarts! A seventh year filled with mystery, wonder and new and fantastic beasts. Where you spend your time working frantically towards getting the best N.E.W.T marks you can, or working towards that one last Quidditch trophy before it's off into the real world. A real world filled with the daily trivial events, bills, friends, laundry, cooking and cleaning the dishes. All of which are important for a young Wizard to know.

Which is why ten years ago Headmaster Dohotty implemented a new class that would be held for the seventh year class during the second half of summer vacation. The first few years the class was an option for all students but it wasn't until 2024 that the class finally became a requirement for all seventh year students. All students will end their post-sixth year summer break early to return to school to take the class. Most of you won't be happy, but it's another month and a half spent with your best friends at school, with minimal teachers there, and no under classmen to watch over you.

Hopefully you won't be getting into too much trouble?

[info]sevenyears! a next generation game

[info]luxmrtn in [info]fantasy_rpgs

[info]darknocturne needs humans and shifters.

[info]quadriviummods in [info]fantasy_rpgs


Currently Casting | Casting Studio | Application | Rules | Full Game Premise | Quadrivium RPG

Everyone knows the story of James and Lily Potter and the story of their son, Harry, but until now, the story of what happened in between has been unknown.

It is 1990, the year before Harry Potter will discover he is a Wizard. Professor Quirrell is off to Albania where he will become a vessel for the weakened Dark Lord, Charlie Weasley and his friends are in their seventh-year at Hogwarts, learning all about love, life, and Quidditch, and the foundation for the future is being paved.

Everyone stands at a crossroads, the road behind them broken and wilting. The road ahead holds a mystery. Which paths in life will they chose? Who will they become? Only one thing is certain; they must choose.

Quadrivium is a canon compliant Harry Potter Interim Era game taking place in 1990 focusing on character development. Game opened May 09, 2009.

Most Wanted: Remus Lupin, Lucius Malfoy, Andromeda & Ted Tonks, Bill, Percy, & Charlie Weasley, Oliver Wood, Students, Teachers, & many others!

[info]life_mod in [info]fantasy_rpgs

What happens when Severus survives the final battle and decides to go back in time and change it all?

Only Time Will Tell.

A New Life is a Marauder Era game set in their fifth year after Severus has travelled back in time after deciding he would change the past for the better. He aimed for the end of his fifth year just before the mudblood incident but arrives at the summer before his fifth year. Will he change everything for the better or will it end up being worse than before?

Only Time Will Tell.