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April 4th, 2009

[info]paramods in [info]fantasy_rpgs



"Well, personally? I kinda want to slay the dragon. Let's go to work."

And get to work the remaining members of Angel Investigations did. Four heroes against a city run rampant with monsters of all shapes and sizes. When it was all said and done, the dragon was slayed. The others followed suit or fled for their lives. Gunn perished but Angel, Spike, and Illyria survived. The Senior Partners fell silent and the battle for control of Los Angeles was declared over at long last.

The city has begun to rebuild and people have returned to their daily lives since then. Yet, already plans are in motion to destroy the peace that has befallen the City of Angels. The Senior Partners are back, with a vengeance, and a plan they are certain will succeed. The Powers That Be have decided the time has come to mount a viable defense. Heroes and villains alike are arriving day and night. Some come with an understanding of what is to be expected. Some do not. And some are neither hero nor villain, but simply innocent pawns in a game where the rules are deadly and the winner, truly, can take it all. Now, only one question remains:

On which side of the battle lines do you fall?

Although Parabolical is a multi-fandom RPG set in the Angel-verse, knowledge of the show Angel the Series and/or Buffy the Vampire Slayer is not required.


[info]cityofsinmod in [info]fantasy_rpgs

Welcome to the City of Sin ( original supernatural game )

For the past one hundred and fifty years the world has been held tightly in the clutches of the supernaturals. Demons, vampires, werewolves and creatures of that ilk have risen to rule over the mortals who have become nothing more than slaves and pets, things to be used and discarded when they are broken.

Las Vegas is much like any of the other remaining cities - a cage re-built by Masters who rule with sin in mind. It is ruled by The Elari, a demonic family who keep the humans controlled so that they may live like Kings and Queens. The Elari are powerful, ruling over Las Vegas as they do, but even those solid foundations can be rocked. Especially with the arrival of the Raidan, another ruling family who seems to have plans for the city.

Something is brewing. Some say war, other say the end of days. No matter what it is The Watch is there to stop it all, saviours of the little bit of Humanity left. But will that be enough? or will they rip the world apart?
thecityofsin, thecityofooc, thecitylines
the premise » the guidelines » the groups
the taken and held pbs » wanted characters » application

[info]deathriftmod in [info]fantasy_rpgs

Nobody knows what started the infection, or why it spread so fast, but everyone knew the same thing.

Zombies were real, and they were everywhere.

The small towns of the world did better than the larger cities, and it was no surprise that they quickly became the fortified homes of those who could make their way there. Supplies grew strained, and so did tempers. Small magics worked, but the larger ones started to fail, even as people struggled to use them to survive.

One by one, towns failed as their people died. Most of them went scavenging, raiding other towns for needed items.

In one, a man started to mix magic and science, diving into illegal magics, trying to save the people he cared for.

In desperation, he opened a rift to another place.

It expanded, and almost everyone in town vanished. Only one person escaped, hidden behind the man's and her own shields.

Then the rift went quiet.

Until, at random, it began to work again, and people began to come out.

Alone until they had arrived, the only remained survivor quickly realized that these were not the people how had left. Instead, they were from other worlds, unaware of the menace outside the walls of town.

She organized them as best she could, telling them what to expect.

The rift continues to not only bring people, but other creatures, and odd magics ripple outwards from it from time to time, causing a variety of effects.

From time to time, people still vanish, but more are coming all the time, having to learn the ways of this world, and trying to survive the dead.

[info]raccoonmod in [info]fantasy_rpgs


Taken Characters
Hold Characters
Game Wiki
Rules & Faqs
Contact List


Your name:
Your age:
Your Email + AIM/Yahoo:

Your character:

Character Journal Name:
Brief History:
Lower City or Higher City:
Roleplay Sample: (Third or First Person)

Once Finished, email to [raccooncitymod@gmail.com] and add your journal to the communities!

If you are already in the game:

Character Name:
Lower City or Higher City:

Welcome to Raccoon City!

First there was the disaster at the lab, then the infection of Raccoon City and the nuclear bombing of it. Over the years Umbrella's effect on the world continued through the new company TriCell Pharmaceuticals. They rebuilt the city and other big cities to hopefully keep the monsters that lived at bay.

Safe from most of the danger, life continued on in Raccoon City Heights. Human life could thrive, travel and live the way they used to before all of this, a decade later after the incident.

[info]raccoon__city is a Panfandom based in Resident's Evil Raccoon City after it's been rebuilt. It's basically a social game with a little bit of scary stuff and R-Rated fun! All characters are welcome! Characters can go to school, have jobs, go to college and travel! The game is Open now! Please come!

[info]rc_ooc, [info]rc_comm, [info]raccoon__city

[info]_afterwardsmod in [info]fantasy_rpgs


Twenty-six years after the fall of Voldemort, the Wizarding World has, luckily, been void of any more dark wizards. The survivors of the second wizarding war went on to live normal lives... well, as normal as they can be when you're considered a celebrity.
Afterwards follows the children of the heroes, seven years after the epilogue. Did Albus get into Gryffindor? Did Rose stay away from Scorpius like her father asked her? Did Teddy and Victoire stay together?
It's up to you.

main communityrules + how to postholds + pbsapplicationcharacter directorywanted

Starting after we have 10 applications!