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January 3rd, 2009

[info]forgotten_mods in [info]fantasy_rpgs

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What happens to the old gods, once their temples have crumbled and their believers have abandoned them? Do they die, forsaken, alone? Or do they remain, still wandering the world, immortal, surviving off what little belief they can gather?

Forgotten Gods follows the lives of these old deities, brought to America long ago by explorers or immigrants from their homelands and eventually abandoned or lost from memory. As their worshippers moved on to new religions, the gods' powers waned - for a god, at its most pure essence, is no more than an idea, and an idea is worthless if there is nobody to believe in it. Some have passed, forgotten, from the world, while others have fallen into madness. Some have simply tried to adapt, to make a life for themselves in this place without gods, getting by on what little scraps of worship and belief they can garner. Others are more radical, attempting to regain the power that was once theirs, to revive their followings.

And then there are the New Gods. Gods of cars and computers, television and radio, cities and highways, all those things that modern Americans put their faith in. They are young, at the height of their power. These newcomers are regarded dismissively by some of the older gods, who have seen so many new deities rise and fall in their time; jealously by others, who wish to reclaim the power for their own; and by all with a deep wariness.

Inspired by the world of Neil Gaiman's American Gods, this game invites players to step into the roles of deities, old and new, to create their own modern mythology.
Greek: Eros, Cronus; more Olympians! Especially Zeus, Poseidon, Athena, Ares and Hecate
New Gods: Guns, Big Oil, Pharmaceuticals, Television, Highways, The Republican Party, Fashion Industry, Radio, The Internet, Fast Food
Christian/Hebrew: Horsemen of the Apocalypse (Death), Deadly Sins (Envy, Greed, Gluttony and Sloth), Holy Virtues (all), more angels/demons, Adam, Eve
Celtic/Arthurian: Merlin, Lancelot, the Morrigan
Norse: Loki, Odin, Thor, Freyja, Skadi, Hermod, Sif, Tyr
Native American: Coyote, Badger, White Buffalo Woman
Hindu: Kali, Krishna, Ganesh
African: Anansi, Elegba
Egyptian: Ra, Horus, Nephthys, Ma'at, Osiris, Hathor
Slavic: Baba Yaga, Chernobog, Veles, Koshchei, Morana
Japanese: Amaterasu, Raijin, Susanoo, Izanami, Izanagi
Australian Aboriginal: Rainbow Snake, Bobbi-Bobbi
Anglo-Saxon: Eostre, Wayland Smith - more!

[info]ex_xover573 in [info]fantasy_rpgs

[info]theacademy via [info]aglionby
a marvel/dc crossover game with a gossip girl flare

[info]quarantine_ops in [info]fantasy_rpgs



rules | characters | application | the mods | wanted characters | hold a character
frequently asked questions for the concerned american citizen


You wake up to the smell of smoke.

In the year 2008, a virus swept North America. Ever vigilant for a pandemic, citizens boarded up their windows, stockpiled their canned goods, and turned their neighbors in to the CDC. Short wave radios fell off the shelves, evacuation routes were prepared. Gas masks and specialty filtration systems were distributed. Pills were available for those showing early symptoms. Pills that did not work. That were later replaced with cyanide as their active ingredient. For those who were brave enough to put their fingers near a loved one's mouth. The United States, Canada, Mexico, the virus swept down into South America and festered in the heat of the jungle. In some places it burned out. Superstition ruled and saved lives. But nothing stopped the virus.

You wake up to the crackle of dead airwaves.

Three months after the first diagnosed case of Currere Excessum was recorded, NATO approved Great Britain's use of nuclear force against the United States. It was assumed that all organic material would be reduced to ash under the impact. It was assumed that the Quarantine of the Americas would be temporary, at best. Any who survived the blast would be given the highest in humanitarian attention and medical care. The only American emissaries who knew of the plan lay incinerated in Washington. The Quarantine continued. The Americas lay abandoned. Empty.

(read more....)

- Game Launch: January 15th, or after fifteen characters are accepted.
- Supportive of both personal and game-wide plots.
- We have a list of wanted characters made for your convenience.
- There are plenty of in-game activities to provide opportunities for personal character development.
- NC-17 friendly, which also means the game is for players eighteen years of age or over. No exceptions.
- Slash, femme-slash and het friendly.
- Come one, come all!

[info]witchcraft_mod in [info]fantasy_rpgs

From the 14th century to the 18th in Europe, the gruesome witch hunts were held. People detained massive terror of witchcraft and started the hunts, searching for the individuals who practiced “dark magic”. The ones who were accused were interrogated, up to the point where some were brutally tortured to confess, and those who confessed were persecuted, usually by hanging or burning. Over those centuries, more than 9,000 people were burned and hanged, but after the 18th century the hunts were put to a stop.

The hunts were only a small part of the secret war.

During those centuries a war was being held between the “witches”, who were really called Covai to their race. A civil war. The Covai or “witches” were much different than through the eyes of the normal person. Their abilities, their powers, all connected to the earth. They have the ability to control every aspect of the earth, like water, fire, air, etc. They do cast spells, but they don’t need a toad’s eye, or a wolf tongue. They merely have a book of spells, which they read around a hand drawn Solomon Seal. A group of Covai decided that it would be fun causing a bit of chaos throughout Europe, and the rest would not tolerate it, especially with the hunts taking place. Despite the fact that the citizens killed the wrong people, there were some that were actually Covai. The wrong Covai; the innocent ones were the ones who were captured and tortured for the faults of others. Before, the Covai lived in harmony with the people in Europe, pretending to be like them, but because of the hunts and the chaotic crime their other fellow witches were causing, they were forced to go into hiding. Most moved out of Europe to find a haven for themselves. They spread out into different parts of the world.

Even though the witch hunts were stopped, there were still people who believed in the witches and formed a group called “Anti-necromancer”, or Necrom for short. They hire bounty hunters to go find those witches and bring them to their location, which is usually the loft of a church. To this day, there is a secret hunt going on with the Necrom and the Covai. The Covai are hiding, most living in the depths of New York City. Some are fighting back against the bounty hunters and the Necrom. Most physically, others through peace talks. Either way, it is now a new war.

How long will it take for it to stop?
cast list | application | races | rules | ooc | main
Game Start
Game starts when we have 10 females and 10 males
Layout profile code thanks to ReversesCollide

[info]voice_of_mod in [info]fantasy_rpgs

It's late August, 2019. Do you know where you stand?

The school year is just about to start and the students of Hogwarts have no clue what they're in for. The Muggles' dawning awareness and growing anger, public outrage, government intrigue and blatant ass-saving techniques both in the Wizarding and the Muggle world will affect the students more than the O.W.L.s and N.E.W.T.s ever could. Some will question their morals, some will betray their upbringing, others will find new courage and a few will see no limits.

Old lines are crossed and new ones are drawn as the new generation faces its destiny.

Premise | Rules | FAQ | Characters

[info]nightynight in [info]fantasy_rpgs


It's 1887. A year after they awoke, abhuman beings have infiltrated the heart of London and have waged a war on each other - those who strive for peace live among the humans as quietly as possible, but those who long for power seek a more destructive end. With newfound friends emroiled in their battles, the war is just heating up...


...and it's nothing without the characters to fill it. You can be anything you like - paranormal investigator, a minister or politician, a duke, a peasant, a prostitute, a noblewoman, middle class fop .... normal or abhuman, good or bad.... this is a character based game and the plot revolves around you.

Game opens on 5 applications or January 15th, whichever comes first.