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December 23rd, 2007

[info]mod_sqd in [info]fantasy_rpgs

Your Character, played by...we don't know you tell us!
A 7th Year Twisted Canon RPG
Premise | Backstory | Rules | Characters
Taken PBs |Application | FAQ/Resources
Wanted SLs

Where do you lie on the scale? Are you undecided? Are you for the side of good and believe that Harry Potter is still out there, fighting for you? Are you pleased that things are finally the way they should be, with those nasty mudbloods pushed down and punished? Do you just want to make it through the day? And the day after that?

War is almost here. Whose side will you--or won't you choose?

Mockery is a Harry Potter Trio-Era game that focuses on the lives and events of everyone BUT the Trio at this point. We are MOSTLY DH compliant (hence, our 'twisted' canon). Not quite canon, not completely AU, Mockery is moving into the Christmas Holidays...where we don't know if everyone who leaves is coming back.

Come join us today!

Most needed characters )

Be warned: Mockery is not for the faint of heart, the rigidly canon, or the wildly AU.

[info]fundamentum in [info]fantasy_rpgs





Who are You?

HBP-Canon, DH-AU

HARRY POTTER, HERMIONE GRANGER AND RONALD WEASLEY were intercepted before they ever got as far as starting their hunt. Molly Weasley insisted that the trio not go on their wild goose chase and in fact forced them all, by means of the Order and parental rights, back to school. However once Harry, Ron and Hermione were out of the Order’s sights, Voldemort struck and from the trio he took Harry for his own use. All of the Horcruxes were gathered and relocated.

HARRY POTTER after being taken from the train had his memories removed by use of the ‘Obliviate’ curse, administered by a master Obliviator from the former Ministry. Harry has since been given the title of Protégé of Voldemort until he was trained in everything that was ‘truly’ meant for him as Voldemort explained to Harry later. Harry now heads the Ministry under Voldemort’s supervision, making Harry Potter the Minister.

HERMIONE GRANGER finished her Hogwarts Education up until Muggle Born students were rounded up and removed leaving only the pure and half bloods. Muggle Borns were placed in ‘special’ schools where they were taught ‘magic’ but were never allowed to use it and were kept under constant surveillance. Once Voldemort took over Hermione went into hiding with the other muggle born students and the order hoping that they would eventually have a break to save themselves.

RONALD WEASLEY was kept in Hogwarts with the other Pureblood students but he along with the other ‘traitor’ students were kept under constant lock and key. Once the year was over he along with the others were forced into the Ministries service and as all ‘traitors’ he was threatened with death and death of those he loved if he didn’t submit to the will of Voldemort. So currently he works as an Obliviator.

THE WAR in the wizarding world is not over even though the war within the Death Eater’s and Order members is over. The war amongst the wizards and the muggles and those in between wages on, as a struggle for control rises among the pure. Voldemort, has long since taken over when the war was waged between Dumbledore’s death and September 1 of the following school year. There was little bloodshed in the beginning, Voldemort killed the Minister and through use of a potion he was able to change his form long enough to change everything within Wizarding Society. Once he was able to do that his form was reassumed and Voldemort’s war against the Order themselves began.

VOLDEMORT is making the world a pure only place, and little by little it is happening. But what of those who already had loves and lives? There is no real way for love to be forced from someone, those are the stories that have yet to be told and are being forced silent. And, as whispers of a revolution become more and more apparent, the dreams of a free society and of a world with no laws and no fear of death begin to surface.Who are You?


This is...a glimpse of dawn in a very barren world.

Moderators . Premise . Rules . FAQ
Social Classes & Marriage Decree
Characters . Application</center>

Voldemort, Rose Zeller, Jordan Lee, the Weasleys, Seamus Finnigan, Neville Longbottom, Parvati Patil, Cho Chang, Terry Boot, Michael Corner, Anthony Goldstein, Su Li, Padma Patil, Hannah Abbott, Zacharias Smith, Draco Malfoy, Theodore Nott, former students, adults, Order of the Phoenix, Death Eaters

[info]wao_johnson in [info]fantasy_rpgs

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Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at PhotobucketPhoto Sharing and Video Hosting at PhotobucketPhoto Sharing and Video Hosting at PhotobucketPhoto Sharing and Video Hosting at PhotobucketPhoto Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

Running since July 7th, 2007, Wands and Order is an incredibly active RP, centering mostly around the Ministry and the Magical world's criminal dealings. Think elements of the West Wing and Law and Order mixed with the absolute insanity of the Wizarding government. Currently we're looking for characters of all shapes and sizes, though we absolutely desire Remus Lupin, Lee Jordan, Fred Weasley, Alicia Spinnet, ALL Weasley Family Members, and any other characters with ties to the Ministry!

If you've any questions, the Mods can be reached at AIM: Wandsandorder, or at Email: Email is likely your best bet.

[info]ex_algernon85 in [info]fantasy_rpgs

premise | characters & pbs | rules | application| list of powers

Mutants, Werewolves, and Vampires! Oh my!

For years, all four races had never been fully able to get along. The Government had passed laws giving every race equal rights, but none of them would ever get along properly. Werewolves stuck with Werewolves, Vampires with Vampires, Mutants with Mutants and Humans with Humans. In 2001, Bordeaux Academy of New York City was erected. Bordeaux is a school for the gifted, a school for Mutants. A school built by Mutants, for Mutants. The only school in the world, that did not allow humans. A school that not only taught the normal subjects for classes, but also taught history of powers, how to work with your powers and understand them, and provided help for those who needed it. more