Fantastic Beasts

Fic: Adrenaline Junkies (Padfoot/Charlie, NC-17)


Fic: Adrenaline Junkies (Padfoot/Charlie, NC-17)

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Title: Adrenaline Junkies
Author: [info]snegurochka_lee
Pairings: Sirius/Charlie. Padfoot/Charlie. Brief Charlie/OMC
Rating: NC-17
Warnings: Bestiality, naturally. :D
Word Count: ~5,800
Summary: "It's kinky, sure," Sirius murmured, closing in behind Charlie and whispering across the back of his neck, "but if you're interested in magical creatures, and I think maybe you are, you've got one right here. And he owes you a favour."
Notes: Written for two of the May '08 themes at [info]daily_deviant, which were "fur fetish" and "fellatio."

( Adrenaline Junkies ) - link goes to DD, if that's okay.
  • *memories*

    That was brilliant. You had Sirius down so well. And what a great bit of bestiality. I just love Padfoot!sex.
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