Fantastic Beasts

Fic: Lick (Padfoot/Lily, NC-17)


Fic: Lick (Padfoot/Lily, NC-17)

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Hi, [info]fantasticbeasts! What a great comm idea. :) Here's a re-post of some erotica I wrote back in early 2006...

Title: Lick
Author: Snegurochka
Characters: Sirius Padfoot/Lily
Words: 3,400
Rating: NC-17
Warnings: Um: Bestiality cunnilingus. La la la.
Summary: "I know what James is doing, making you wait until the wedding," Sirius whispered, his thumb stroking over her palm. "You must be going mad."
Notes: Thank you to [info]waxbean for planting the evil idea in my head and then shamelessly encouraging it, and to [info]waxbean and [info]islandsmoke for beta assistance. I alone remain responsible for the bestiality porn that follows, however. :)

( Lick )
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