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Friday, January 9th, 2009

    Time Event
    Fan History is optimized for strange key phrases... like incest wiki.
    Over on twitter, I've been having some conversations with SEO non-fandom folks about key phrase optimization. The major question I've had is would a site rather be optimized to have one keyword as the top search result or ten keywords which appeared as number ten in the search results? The answer tends to be context specific. I'd love to get more opinions on that. What are your thoughts?

    As a result of these conversations, I went looking through Fan History for phrases where we'd been optimized near the top. One phrase that I see about once a day is "incest wiki" which Fan History ranks number 2... right behind Wikipedia. (And ahead of Fandom Wank, and FanLore which are both fandom wikis. And ahead of wikitionary, simple English Wikipedia.) This phrase that we're optimized for gets us an average of 4 visits a day. (Where the average visitor for that keyphrase visits 2.5 pages per visit.) It isn't one we were looking for optimization wise but we'll take it because there is a huge community of incest fan fiction fans around and there have been some large discussions about it that have had an impact on fandom.

    The incest article could use a lot of work because it really isn't as good as it could be. If you're knowledgeable about the subject, please contribute.

    This is a crosspost from Fan History's blog.

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