Fanfic 100: The Ultimate Fanfic Challenge [entries|friends|calendar]
The Ultimate Fanfic Challege.

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Elemental Who. 040. Sight. [10 Jan 2008|12:47am]

[ music | "Never Enough", the Who ]

Title: A Personal Matter
Fandom: The Elemental Who
Characters: Keith and John
Prompt: 040. Sight.
Word Count: 361
Rating: PG (Fan rating K+)
Summary: Keith's taking their battles with Mara personally.


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Supernatural: John Winchester [22 Dec 2007|03:46pm]

Title: Hunt for perfection.
Fandom: Supernatural
Rating: PG-13
Character(s)/Pairing: John Winchester, Mary Winchester
Prompt: 48: Diamond.
Word Count: 848
Disclaimer: Belong to Kripke, not mine.
A/N: --

In one store and looking around. )
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[21 Dec 2007|05:40pm]

[ mood | cheerful ]
[ music | 'A Perfect Sonnet' - Bright Eyes ]

Title: Numb
Fandom: Harry Potter
Characters: Remus Lupin/Sirius Black (pairing)
Rating: PG, just for the implied slashiness
Prompt: 66 - Rain
Summary: It's raining.
Words: 147


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Elemental Who. 039. Taste [18 Dec 2007|06:59pm]

[ mood | cold ]
[ music | Dora the Explorer from the next room ]

Title: The Last Challenge.
Fandom: The Elemental Who
Characters: All four.
Prompt: 039. Taste.
Word Count: 305
Rating: PG for one bad word (Fan rating K+)
Summary: A slice of life at the Loft -- a family meeting.


My Tables , where you can find the previous stories in both this and the Power Monkees 100 series. I am writing them in order.

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Supernatural: John Winchester [17 Dec 2007|09:43pm]

Title: A little deviant.
Fandom: Supernatural
Rating: NC-17
Character(s)/Pairing: John Winchester, Mary Winchester
Prompt: 38: Touch.
Word Count: 1,023
Disclaimer: Belong to Kripke, not mine.
A/N: Sexual content

John decided to be a bit devious not something Mary was used to from him. )
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Power Monkees. 039. Taste. [17 Dec 2007|04:39pm]

Title: The Sweetness Remains.
Fandom: The Power Monkees
Characters: Mike and Millie.
Prompt: 039. Taste.
Word Count: 221
Rating: G (Fan rating K)
Summary: Millie -- the cheesecake lady -- left a legacy of love.

Authour's Note: This was one of the rare ones I cried while writing.

The Sweetness Remains

My Tables
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Pirates of Dark Water: Bloth/Tula. [17 Dec 2007|01:44pm]

Fandom:Pirates of Dark Water.
Prompt: 033 - Too Much.
Rating: R (Sex).
Word Count: 912.
Summary: Bloth's lust has flared up and Tula, who can't physically defend herself against him, has no choice but to let him do what he wants with her.
Disclaimer: Pirates of Dark Water and the characters within belong to Warner Brothers.
Note: Based on a 'what if...' situation. What if Tula had taken up the position of commander on the Maelstrom when Bloth offered her it?

Weakness )

Title: My Own Fun.
Fandom: Pirates of Dark Water.
Pairing: Tula/Bloth.
Prompt: 001 - Beginnings.
Word Count: 182
Rating: PG
Summary: Tula is the new commander of the Maelstrom and asks her new captain, Bloth, about her duties for the day.
Disclaimer: The Pirates of Dark Water and the characters within belong to Warner Brothers.
Note: Based on a 'what if...' situation. What if Tula had taken up the position of commander on the Maelstrom when Bloth offered her it?

My Own Fun )

Title: Standards.
Fandom: Pirates of Dark Water.
Characters: Tula/Bloth
Prompt: 034 - Not Enough.
Word Count: 271.
Rating: PG.
Summary: A small, slightly strange, conversation about standards between Tula and Bloth, Tula showing a clear dislike towards Bloth and her situation with him.
Disclaimer: The Pirates of Dark Water and the characters within belong to Warner Brothers.
Note: Based on a 'what if...' situation. What if Tula had taken up the position of commander on the Maelstrom when Bloth offered her it?

Standards )
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Supernatural: John Winchester [15 Dec 2007|10:34pm]

Title: Love deepens.
Fandom: Supernatural
Rating: PG-13
Character(s)/Pairing: John Winchester, Mary Winchester
Prompt: 23: Lovers.
Word Count: 462
Disclaimer: Belong to Kripke, not mine.
A/N: - -

John Winchester had spent near twenty four years of his life chasing after the thing that took the woman he loved away from him. )
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Supernatural: John Winchester [15 Dec 2007|10:27pm]

Title: No more.
Fandom: Supernatural
Rating: PG-13
Character(s)/Pairing: John Winchester, Dean Winchester, mention of Mary and Sam
Prompt: 03: Ends.
Word Count: 589
Disclaimer: Belong to Kripke, not mine.
A/N: - -

John remembered the first night Dean was born and how he had sat there most of the night holding his little boy. )
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Supernatural: John Winchester [15 Dec 2007|10:22pm]

Title: Reunion in death.
Fandom: Supernatural
Rating: PG-13
Character(s)/Pairing: John Winchester.
Prompt: 55: Spirit.
Word Count: 882
Disclaimer: Belong to Kripke, not mine.
A/N: - -

John had lived for twenty three years without ever finding anyone new. )
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Supernatural: John Winchester [15 Dec 2007|10:15pm]

Title: Holding onto the past.
Fandom: Supernatural
Rating: PG-13
Character(s)/Pairing: John Winchester.
Prompt: 10: Years.
Word Count: 1,122
Disclaimer: Belong to Kripke, not mine.
A/N: - -

It had been twenty three and a half years now since Mary's death and the life of The Winchesters had seemed to take a turn for the worse again. )
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Supernatural: John Winchester [15 Dec 2007|10:04pm]

Title: When a new life starts.
Fandom: Supernatural
Rating: PG-13
Character(s)/Pairing: John Winchester, Mary Winchester, Baby Dean.
Prompt: 01: Beginnings.
Word Count: 559
Disclaimer: Belong to Kripke, not mine.
A/N: - -

John was in complete protective mode. )
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Dark Angel: Rachel Berrisford./Alec Mcdowell [09 Dec 2007|08:53pm]

Title: Untitled
Fandom: Dark Angel
Rating: PG-13
Character(s)/Pairing: Rachel/Alec
Prompt: 01: Beginnings.
Word Count: 128
Disclaimer: Belong to Cameron, not mine, wish they were..
A/N: Written in letter format, crossposted to a LJ community.
Read more... )

Title: I will find you
Fandom: Dark Angel
Rating: PG-13
Character(s)/Pairing: Rachel/Alec
Prompt: 043: Life.
Word Count: 103
Disclaimer: Belong to Cameron, not mine, wish they were..
A/N: Written in letter format, crossposted to a LJ community.

Read more... )

Title: Lessons
Fandom: Dark Angel
Rating: PG-13
Character(s)/Pairing: Rachel/Alec
Prompt: 078: Where.
Word Count: 111
Disclaimer: Belong to Cameron, not mine, wish they were..
A/N: Written in letter format, crossposted to a LJ community.

Read more... )

Title: Breaking Free
Fandom: Dark Angel
Rating: PG-13
Character(s)/Pairing: Rachel/Alec
Prompt: 024: Family.
Word Count: 139
Disclaimer: Belong to Cameron, not mine, wish they were..
A/N: Written in letter format, crossposted to a LJ community.

Read more... )

Title: Breaking the Ice
Fandom: Dark Angel
Rating: PG-13
Character(s)/Pairing: Rachel/Alec
Prompt: 025: Strangers.
Word Count: 159
Disclaimer: Belong to Cameron, not mine, wish they were..
A/N: Written in letter format, crossposted to a LJ community.

Read more... )

Title: Friends
Fandom: Dark Angel
Rating: PG-13
Character(s)/Pairing: Rachel/Alec
Prompt: 024: Family.
Word Count: 129
Disclaimer: Belong to Cameron, not mine, wish they were..
A/N: Written in letter format, crossposted to a LJ community.

Read more... )

Title: Another Chance
Fandom: Dark Angel
Rating: PG-13
Character(s)/Pairing: Rachel/Alec
Prompt: 04: Insides.
Word Count: 164
Disclaimer: Belong to Cameron, not mine, wish they were..
A/N: Written in letter format, crossposted to a LJ community.

Read more... )

Title: Dream a Little Dream
Fandom: Dark Angel
Rating: PG-13
Character(s)/Pairing: Rachel/Alec
Prompt: 74: Dark.
Word Count: 100
Disclaimer: Belong to Cameron, not mine, wish they were..
A/N: Written in letter format, crossposted to a LJ community.

Read more... )
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#71 - Broken; Full Throttle: General [05 Dec 2007|03:33pm]

Title: The Highwayman
Fandom: Full Throttle
Rating: PG-13 (sexual content, language, some mentions of violence and character death)
Character(s)/Pairing: Ben/Maureen
Prompt: 071. Broken.
Word Count: 2,434
Disclaimer: LucasArts, and therefore, not mine.
Summary: There's a man standing in her kitchen. Set three years after the game.
Originally Posted: at LiveJournal, on 2006-07-05. Edited on 2007-12-04.

( Men like Ben didn't just disappear; it was a scientific impossibility, it defied the laws of nature. )

See also: I has a claim table!
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[02 Dec 2007|05:14am]
[ mood | crazy ]

Title: First Moon
Fandom: Anita Blake: Vampire Hunter
Characters: Edward, mentions of Richard
Prompt: 45. Moon
Word Count: 551
Rating: PG
Summary: His thoughts on taking a life.
Author's Notes: Yes, I'm still alive. Sorry I took forever to do another prompt. ^^'

( Writing journal )

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[25 Nov 2007|11:02pm]

Title: Seen and Unseen
Author: [info]pinkelephant42
Fandom: Avatar: The Last Airbender
Claim: Fire Nation
Prompt: 76. who
Characters: mainly Azula.
Rating: PG-13
Word Count: ~1000
Summary: SPOILERS for 3-11 )

Seen and Unseen
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Winchester Love Part 18E [18 Nov 2007|06:57am]

Title: Winchester Love Part 18 E
Author: myguys_sam_dean
Rating: R
Characters: Sam/Abby, Dean/Kylee, Bobby
Disclaimer: I don't own the boys. I wish I did.
Summary: Written for fanfic100 prompt #95-New Year's. The five spend New Year's at Bobby's.

Winchester Love Part 18E )
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Winchester Love Pt 18D [18 Nov 2007|12:10am]

Title: Winchester Love Part 18D
Author: myguys_sam_dean
Rating: R
Characters: Dean/Kylee
Disclaimer: I don't own the boys. I wish I did.
Summary: Written for fanfic100 prompt #48-Diamond. Dean gives Kylee her Christmas gift.

Winchester Love Part 18D )
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Winchester Love Part 18C [18 Nov 2007|12:08am]

Title: Winchester Love Part 18C
Author: myguys_sam_dean
Rating: R
Characters: Sam/Abby, Dean/Kylee, Bobby
Disclaimer: I don't own the boys. I wish I did.
Summary: Written for fanfic100 Prompt #25-strangers. Dean and Kylee go to The Guesthouses.

Winchester Love Part 18C )
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Winchester Love Part 18B [18 Nov 2007|12:02am]

Title: Winchester Love Part 18B
Author: myguys_sam_dean
Rating: R
Characters: Sam/Abby, Dean/Kylee, Bobby
Disclaimer: I don't own the boys. I wish I did.
Summary: Written for fanfic100 prompt #52-Fire. They finish decorating the tree.

Winchester Love Part 18B )
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