Fanfic 100: The Ultimate Fanfic Challenge
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Monday, March 10th, 2008

    Time Event
    PODW, Tula/Bloth, 011/085/084/052, Red/She/He/Fire
    Title: Pleasure And Pain.
    Fandom: Pirates of Dark Water.
    Characters: Tula/Bloth.
    Prompt: 011 - Red.
    Word Count: 600.
    Rating: NC-17 (Sexual Content).
    Summary: An uncomfortable Tula has to be intimate with Bloth.

    Red )

    Title: Inside Of Her.
    Fandom: Pirates of Dark Water.
    Characters: Tula.
    Prompt: 085 - She.
    Word Count: 335.
    Rating: PG-13.
    Summary: Tula has felt ill and wonders why.

    She )

    Title: Pirate Lord.
    Fandom: Pirates of Dark Water.
    Characters: Tula/Bloth.
    Prompt: 084 - He.
    Word Count: 526.
    Rating: PG.
    Summary: A small scene that focuses on Bloth, as he lies awake by Tula one night.

    He )

    Title: Little Lady.
    Fandom: Pirates of Dark Water.
    Characters: Tula, OC.
    Prompt: 052 - Fire.
    Word Count: 225.
    Rating: PG-13.
    Summary: Tula has an encounter with an aggressive crewmember of the Maelstrom.

    Fire )

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