Fanfic 100: The Ultimate Fanfic Challenge
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Monday, December 17th, 2007

    Time Event
    Pirates of Dark Water: Bloth/Tula.
    Fandom:Pirates of Dark Water.
    Prompt: 033 - Too Much.
    Rating: R (Sex).
    Word Count: 912.
    Summary: Bloth's lust has flared up and Tula, who can't physically defend herself against him, has no choice but to let him do what he wants with her.
    Disclaimer: Pirates of Dark Water and the characters within belong to Warner Brothers.
    Note: Based on a 'what if...' situation. What if Tula had taken up the position of commander on the Maelstrom when Bloth offered her it?

    Weakness )

    Title: My Own Fun.
    Fandom: Pirates of Dark Water.
    Pairing: Tula/Bloth.
    Prompt: 001 - Beginnings.
    Word Count: 182
    Rating: PG
    Summary: Tula is the new commander of the Maelstrom and asks her new captain, Bloth, about her duties for the day.
    Disclaimer: The Pirates of Dark Water and the characters within belong to Warner Brothers.
    Note: Based on a 'what if...' situation. What if Tula had taken up the position of commander on the Maelstrom when Bloth offered her it?

    My Own Fun )

    Title: Standards.
    Fandom: Pirates of Dark Water.
    Characters: Tula/Bloth
    Prompt: 034 - Not Enough.
    Word Count: 271.
    Rating: PG.
    Summary: A small, slightly strange, conversation about standards between Tula and Bloth, Tula showing a clear dislike towards Bloth and her situation with him.
    Disclaimer: The Pirates of Dark Water and the characters within belong to Warner Brothers.
    Note: Based on a 'what if...' situation. What if Tula had taken up the position of commander on the Maelstrom when Bloth offered her it?

    Standards )
    Power Monkees. 039. Taste.
    Title: The Sweetness Remains.
    Fandom: The Power Monkees
    Characters: Mike and Millie.
    Prompt: 039. Taste.
    Word Count: 221
    Rating: G (Fan rating K)
    Summary: Millie -- the cheesecake lady -- left a legacy of love.

    Authour's Note: This was one of the rare ones I cried while writing.

    The Sweetness Remains

    My Tables
    Supernatural: John Winchester
    Title: A little deviant.
    Fandom: Supernatural
    Rating: NC-17
    Character(s)/Pairing: John Winchester, Mary Winchester
    Prompt: 38: Touch.
    Word Count: 1,023
    Disclaimer: Belong to Kripke, not mine.
    A/N: Sexual content

    John decided to be a bit devious not something Mary was used to from him. )

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