Fanfic 100: The Ultimate Fanfic Challenge
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Monday, October 22nd, 2007

    Time Event
    058: Dinner, 033: too much, 066: rain, 023 lovers, 071: broken ||Max and Logan: Dark Angel
    Please note these are all letters format. Letters Max wrote to various people, either about Logan or to Logan himself. All prompts will mostly focus on that as it's more creative for me.

    Prompt: 071 Broken, 023 Lovers, 066 Rain, 033 Too Much, 058
    Rating: pg -13 (all of them
    Fandom: Dark Angel
    Character: Max (writing Ben)
    Word Count: 207
    Author's Notes: I don't own DA or Max, I'm only writing for them.

    link to the prompts. All are clearly labeled.
    Jo's Journey to Happiness
    Title: Jo's Journey to Happiness
    Chapter: 1
    Fandom: Superntural
    Author: myguys_sam_dean
    Rating: R
    Characters: Jo, John, Ellen
    Disclaimer: I don't own 'em, I just play with'em.
    Feedback: Absolutely!
    Summmary: Written for fanfic100 prompt #077-What. John and Jo have a kind of relationship that affects everyone around them.

    Chapter 1 )

    Current Mood: optimistic
    Jo's Journey to Happiness
    Title: Jo's Journey to Happiness
    Chapter: 2
    Fandom: Supernatural
    Rating: R
    Characters: Jo, John, Ellen, Sam, Dean
    Disclaimer: I don't own 'em, I just play with 'em.
    Feedback: Absolutely!
    Summary: Written for fanfic100 prompt #078-Where?. Jo and John's relationship affects everyone around them.

    Chapter 2 )

    Current Mood: blah
    Jo's Journey to Happiness
    Title: Jo's Journey to Happiness
    Chapter: 3
    Fandom: Supernatural
    Author: myguys_sam_dean
    Rating: R
    Characters: Jo, John, Ellen
    Disclaimer: I don't own 'em, I just play with 'em.
    Feedback: Absolutely!
    Summary: Written for fanfic100 prompt #085-She. Jo and John's relationship affects everyone around them.

    Chapter 3 )

    Current Mood: blah
    Jo's Journey to Happiness
    Title: Jo's Journey to Happiness
    Chapter: 4
    Fandom: Supernatural
    Author: myguys_sam_dean
    Rating: R
    Characters: Jo, John, Bobby
    Disclaimer: I don't own 'em, I just play with 'em.
    Feedback: Absolutely!
    Summary: Written for fanfic100 prompt #084-He. Jo and John's relationship affects everyone around them.

    Chapter 4 )
    Jo's Journey to Happiness
    Title: Jo's Journey to Happiness
    Chapter: 5
    Fandom: Supernatural
    Author: myguys_sam_dean
    Rating: R
    Characters: Jo, Bobby
    Disclaimer: I don't own 'em, I just play with 'em.
    Feedback: Absolutely!
    Summary: Written for fanfic100 prompt #071-Broken. Jo and John's relationship affects everyone around them.

    Chapter 5 )
    Jo's Journey to Happiness
    Title: Jo's Journey to Happiness
    Chapter: 6
    Fandom: Supernatural
    Author: myguys_sam_dean
    Rating: R
    Characters: Bobby, John, Jo, Sam
    Disclaimer: I don't own 'em, I just play with 'em.
    Feedback: Absolutely!
    Summary: Written for fanfic100 prompt#022-Enemies. Jo and John's relationship affects everyone around them.

    Chapter 6 )
    Jo's Journey to Happiness
    Title: Jo's Journey to Happiness
    Chapter: 7
    Fandom: Supernatural
    Author: myguys_sam_dean
    Rating: R
    Characters: Sam, Dean, Bobby, Jo
    Disclaimer: I don't own 'em, I just play with 'em.
    Feedback: Absolutely!
    Summary: Written for fanfic100 prompt #037-Sound. Jo and John's relationship affects everyone around them.

    Chapter 7 )
    Jo's Journey to Happiness
    Title: Jo's Journey to Happiness
    Chapter: 8
    Fandom: Supernatural
    Author: myguys_sam_dean
    Rating: R
    Characters: Jo, Bobby, Sam, Dean
    Disclaimer: I don't own 'em, I just play with 'em.
    Feedback: Absolutely!
    Summary: Written for fanfic100 prompt #014-Green. Jo and John's relationship affects everyone around them.

    Chapter 8 )
    Jo's Journey to Happiness
    Title: Jo's Journey to Happiness
    Chapter: 9
    Fandom: Supernatural
    Author: myguys_sam_dean
    Rating: R
    Characters: Jo, Bobby
    Disclaimer: I don't own 'em, I just play with 'em.
    Feedback: Absolutely!
    Summary: Written for fanfic100 prompt #021-Friends. Jo and John's relationship affects everyone around them.

    Chapter9 )
    Jo's Journey to Happiness
    Title: Jo's Journey to Happiness
    Chapter: 10
    Fandom: Supernatural
    Author: myguys_sam_dean
    Rating: R
    Characters: Jo, Bobby, Sam, Dean
    Disclaimer: I don't own 'em, I just play with 'em.
    Feedback: Absolutely!
    Summary: Written for fanfic100 prompt#087-Life. Jo and John's relationship affects everyone around them.

    Chapter 10 )
    Jo's Journey to Happiness
    Title: Jo's Journey to Happiness
    Chapter: 11
    Fandom: Supernatural
    Author: myguys_sam_dean
    Rating: R
    Characters: Jo, Bobby, Sam, Dean
    Disclaimer: I don't own 'em, I just play with 'em.
    Feedback: Absolutely!
    Summary: Written for fanfic100 prompt #023-Lovers. Jo and John's relationship affects everyone around them.

    Chapter 11 )
    Jo's Journey to Happiness
    Title: Jo's Journey to Happiness
    Chapter: 12/12
    Fandom: Supernatural
    Author: myguys_sam_dean
    Rating: R
    Characters: John, Jo, Dean, Sam, Bobby
    Disclaimer: I don't own 'em, I just play with 'em.
    Feedback: Absolutely!
    Summary: Written for fanfic100 prompt#029-Birth. Jo and John's relationship affects everyone around them.

    Read more... )

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