Fanfic 100: The Ultimate Fanfic Challenge
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Friday, October 5th, 2007

    Time Event
    1 - Beginnings
    Title: The Call
    Fandom: Dark Angel
    Characters: Logan Cale and Max Guevara
    Prompt: 1 - Beginnings
    Word Count: 237
    Rating: pg-13
    Summary: Logan calls Max and lets her know there's trouble.
    Author's Notes: I don't own the characters, simply giving what should have never been taken away from him. The characters are the creation of James Cameron and Charles Eglee.

    25 - Strangers, 38 - Touch
    Title: -
    Fandom: Dark Angel
    Characters: Logan Cale and Max Guevara
    Prompt: 25 - Strangers
    Word Count: 390
    Rating: pg-13
    Summary: Logan calls Max and lets her know there's trouble.
    Author's Notes: I don't own the characters, simply giving what should have never been taken away from him. The characters are the creation of James Cameron and Charles Eglee.


    Title: -
    Fandom: Dark Angel
    Characters: Logan Cale and Max Guevara
    Prompt: 38 - Touch
    Word Count: 213
    Rating: pg-13
    Author's Notes: I don't own the characters, simply giving what should have never been taken away from him. The characters are the creation of James Cameron and Charles Eglee.

    #82 If; Harry Potter: Lucius Malfoy
    Title: Love is Stupidity
    Fandom: Harry Potter
    Characters: Lucius Malfoy/Severus Snape
    Prompt: #82 If
    Word Count: 1000
    Rating: PG
    Summary: Like so many times before, Lucius destroyed the evening by bringing up the topic of love
    Author's Notes: Written for a Valentines challenge. Thanks to [info]lysa1 for the prompt. No people, either real or fictional, were hurt in the writing of this story.
    Warning: None.

    Love is Stupidity

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