Fanfic 100: The Ultimate Fanfic Challenge
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Tuesday, September 25th, 2007

    Time Event
    96. Writer's Choice; Harry Potter: Lucius Malfoy
    Title: Summer Holidays at Malfoy Manor
    Fandom: Harry Potter
    Characters: Lucius Malfoy/Draco Malfoy
    Prompt: 96. Learning (Writer's Choice)
    Word Count: ~1100
    Rating: NC-17
    Summary: Draco is home for the summer holidays, and hopes to learn something new.
    Author's Notes: Beta by [info]fangirl_lizzie. No people, either real or fictional, were hurt in the writing of this story.
    Warning: Adult/minor and incest.

    Summer Holidays at Malfoy Manor
    #86 Choices; Harry Potter: Lucius Malfoy
    Title: The Taste of Revenge
    Fandom: Harry Potter
    Characters: Lucius Malfoy/Severus Snape, Lucius Malfoy/Sirius Black
    Prompt: #86 Choices
    Word Count: ~22 000
    Rating: NC-17
    Summary: This tale begins in Severus' fifth year at Hogwarts. Sirius gets jealous when Lucius spends more time with Severus, and tries to make life miserable for his rival and win the affections of Lucius back. Hurt feelings can lead to bitterness, in some people that in turn leads to revenge. And a scorned lover is sure to harbour some vengeful thoughts.
    Author's Notes: I wrote this back in 2004 because I wondered why Sirius had hated Snape so much as to try to have Lupin kill him... Beta-read by [info]starkiller. No people, either real or fictional, were hurt in the writing of this story.
    Warning: Angst. Rough sex, some chapters contains coersion, and others contain kinks like bondage, genital bondage, voyeurism.

    The Taste of Revenge
    #69 Thunder; Harry Potter: Lucius Malfoy
    Title: All is right with the world
    Fandom: Harry Potter
    Characters: Lucius Malfoy/Draco Malfoy
    Prompt: #69 Thunder.
    Word Count: ~1400
    Rating: R
    Summary: Draco and his father had a very special relationship. Draco remembers his past and his father.
    Author's Notes: Written back in 2004. No people, either real or fictional, were hurt in the writing of this story.
    Warning: Angst. Incest, adult/minor. Mentioned character deaths (obviously not the same as in DH.)

    All is right with the world

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