March 20th, 2009

[info]projekto_g in [info]fandomdressing

Genesis had gone to sleep in Wutai...

And awoken somewhere that was definitely not his home. The lush green of the private gardens of the palace were now replaced with a dustier earth, decorated with sparse tufts of weedy looking grass. The beautiful Banora White apple tree had been replaced with some rather common place tree that he didn't even know the name of.

The last thing he could remember was lying down to rest a bit after he and Tseng had been sparring on one of their more lazy afternoons at the palace. They'd had wasted a particularly large amount of energy hurling spells and honing their sword skills that day.

While he should be alarmed by this, it wouldn't be the first time he'd seemingly shifted worlds, at least this time he hadn't gone it alone. Looking to the side he could see all of their gear had apparently made the trip with them. Not that it was surprising considering they had now mastered the ability to manifest their swords to their hands upon their command.

Sitting up from where he had been lying across his lover's lap, he shook Tseng's shoulder to wake him.

//My Prince... wake up, there is an issue here that needs both of our attention.//

[info]skeletalangel in [info]fandomdressing

And away from here.

Going to sleep in bed didn't lend itself to waking up on the ground.

He was not in the house.

Definitely nowhere near most of his clothes either. Tugging at his oversize pajamas a bit, he got to his feet and looked around, his other hand shoving his hair back behind his ear.

Well, moping around wouldn't help him find his brother in this place. And he did hope his brother was here. Especially after the hell of the place before the house.

Thus, he carefully started to pick his way towards the nearest tree. At least he could throw together some shoes. And get a walking stick.

Stupid new body and its weakness issues.

May 2009

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