December 23rd, 2010

[info]genespot in [info]fandom_psls

x-men slash game!

[info]genespot; small slash-centric group PSL based off of X-Men's the first class, showcasing the original teams while shedding new *graphic* light onto the story. we'll be taking a journey spanning some of the first encounters, to epic battles, and even a little bromancing.

wanted: gene grey (male), scott summers, charles xavier, robert drake, pietro maximoff, jason wyngarde, mortimer toynbee & more.

[info]theslayer_buffy in [info]fandom_psls

Anyone interested in PSLs or games in general? I enjoy playing the following:

-Buffy the Vampire Slayer: Buffy Summers / Dean Winchester preferred, but anyone!

-Torchwood: Gwen Cooper / Anyone

-Firefly/Serenity: Kaylee and/or Inara / Anyone

-Harry Potter: Hermione Granger / Ron Weasley preferred, but anyone!

-Resident Evil: Jill Valentine / Anyone

-True Blood: Sookie Stackhouse / Anyone

-Final Fantasy VIII: Selphie / Anyone

I think that's all, haha. Any time period is cool with me.

Contact: Comment here or AIM at ShuraSelphie17


[info]nothingironic in [info]fandom_psls

I'm looking for a Night World themed psl (or even a few). It'd be original characters but based on the rules of the Night World and the soulmate principle. I'd like it to be between a member of the Night World (any species: lamia, made vampire, witch, werewolf or shapeshifter) that is preferably a human hater and a human that is either just a regular human, a lost witch or a hunter. I could play either role there, though I would prefer the female role.

I'd specifically like to try a Circle Midnight witch, so if I could get a human guy for that line, I'd totally appreciate it.

I'd also be interested in trying a lost witch or a hunter if anyone is more interested in playing the Night World person.

Also, if you're not familiar with the series, the basic idea isn't that hard to explain and as it would be characters who don't appear in the books themselves, knowledge isn't necessarily required. So if you might be interested, feel free to ask any questions.

[info]sleuther in [info]fandom_psls

Consulting detective searching for alleviation from boredom. Possible solutions:
--Flatmate, friend, and colleague, Dr. J. Watson.
--Arch-nemesis and criminal mastermind, J. Moriarty.
--Thief and con artist, I. Adler.
--Older sibling, M. Holmes.

Other possibilities include time travelers, magicians, immortals, thieves, hackers, anything to bring the slightest bit of interest and excitement to otherwise crushingly dull life. Radical reinterpretation of self's notions of reality optional, but encouraged.

Inquire within.

[Translation: Genderswapped Sherlock Holmes. Game for anything.]

[info]just_this in [info]fandom_psls

Vampire Chronicles I love playing Nicolas De Lenfent as if he didn't die in the fire against Lestat, or Armand. He is mad! I always warn, but that just adds to the fun, and he's not off his rocker per se..
Laybrinth I play Jareth. I only play slash unless the idea of good enough, and I've had a hard time finding lines in this fandom they aren't to.. something.. but if you have an idea tell me!
The Tudors era or Boardwalk Empire era anything, I love it!
Disney I love the idea of taking Disney characters and making them into real people, so it is AU but the general gist of the characters should be the same. Same thing goes with Alice In Wonderland

Aim.Email.Gdocs.Threading. Slash mostly heavily leaning toward only

[info]itsalair in [info]fandom_psls

[info]projectpapillon - looking for David Rice

[info]wariscoming - looking for Blade, Abigail Whistler, and possibly Zoe Sommerfield for my Hannibal

Feel free to pm~!

[info]minxxy in [info]fandom_psls

I'd love to have a PSL with Scorpius/Rose! But any Trueblood, HP, Twilight, Kingdom Hearts, or Final Fantasy PSLs woudl be great! Comment in the journal. :)

[info]thestory in [info]fandom_psls

All I want for Christmas is a Damon Salvatore for my Elena Gilbert and an Eric Northman for my Sookie Stackhouse!

[info]roswellgang in [info]fandom_psls

Seeking someone that would be interested in playing a Roswell based psl.

Pairings/Characters I am interestedwriting )

Any season, though I am interested in doing something along the lines with Tess for a Liz//Max line. Or a Liz//Max with Future Max. Anything post Season 3 Episode 18 would be great. Overall, if you have an idea or want to brainstorm hit me up here or @ crashdowncomets on aim.

April 2024



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