December 6th, 2010

[info]chaoticblack in [info]fandom_psls

I just watched a Harry Potter marathon, and I got my muse back to play the genre. I don't have any specific idea in mind, but I'd like it to be long term, and detailed. I'll give as much as I'm given. I play Bellatrix Black/Lestrange. I'll play her in really any era, first or second war. I also have no problem with alternate universe, or non-canon plot lines. I typically play her in a darker genre (Yeah, that isn't much of a stretch. xD) and really am open to any idea you may have that I can fill, or working out an idea together. And as far as who I use for her play-by, it changed depending on the idea/era and such. Sometimes I use HBC, othertimes I don't, I don't mind taking suggestions.

As for who I'd like to pair her up against, I'm really not picky or demanding. Anyone. Het, femme, Blackcest, hate/enemy lines, ideas that had her or the other character switching sides. I'm really just looking for something fun to play!

Comment here if you're interested to pitch an idea, or come up with one together. :)

[info]gwenluvsarthur in [info]fandom_psls

Would anyone be interested in playing Arthur against Gwen?

[info]isoldfashioned in [info]fandom_psls

So this probably a long-shot, BUT... would anyone be interested in a SeaQuest DSV line or small-group PSL? I mainly play TIm O'Neill here over on livejournal, but I'm fine with playing on insanejournal, too. I also might be interested in trying some other characters, but he's always been my favorite. I'd love to play him with anyone from the show and possibly originals as well, just know I only own the first season, and its been a while since I've seen the other two. (Although some of the transcripts are online.) Let me know if you're interested and let's plot!

[info]romanstark in [info]fandom_psls

Vampire / Werewolf / Human Line

It can be in the Twilight world, but it doesn't have to be. I have a very general plot in mind, but I am more than willing to expand on it and get some outside ideas.

Drop me a message here if you're interested!

[info]ariadne_b in [info]fandom_psls

I'm wanting an Inception PSL playing Ariadne. It can be platonic or develop into a pairing. I'm more interested in the plot. My idea is here.

April 2024



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