November 28th, 2010

[info]pencildaydreams in [info]fandom_psls

HEROES? going once? twice?

Seriously. I love this fandom but cannot keep active lines for it D:

I have a future AU plot involving the idea from episode 3X04 about a future where everyone has super powers. I have a few changes to that, like instead of everyone having powers, only members of the military can have power and those members go rogue and tear the country apart creating something akin to a post-apocalyptic world. This could be a group thing or a psl. Either way, I'd be playing Peter (he's my favorite to play) and a grown-up Noah Gray. We could either have the grown-up Noah Gray go back to the past to get something or maybe someone or have Peter and Sylar go to the future. The two going together from the past sounds like more fun than one going by himself and experiencing the whole new world on his own. There is potential for slash but I would love it if I could include some het relationships for both Peter and Sylar AND Noah. I'd be playing Noah as an older teen. We can brainstorm more specifics, like who is Noah's mom (and maybe that can be the big mystery) and from which season to pull our Peter and Sylar out of. I'm familiar with all seasons and can play multiple canon characters. I'll throw in some original characters as well and I encourage you to do the same, if you want. End of the line basics? I'd at least love for someone to play Sylar for me and someone I can pair Peter with up, guy or girl. I do love the dynamic between Peter and Sylar but I don't want that to be the end result. I'm open to smut as well so hit me up, babes.

[info]secrets_andlies in [info]fandom_psls

Pretty Little Liars anyone? Looking for an Ezra to my Aria. I have an idea of what I want so if you're interested comment and we can discuss the line.

[info]fickle_obsessed in [info]fandom_psls


Since Misfits seems to be pretty popular all over LJ at the moment I thought I'd take my chances here and see if I'd get lucky.

My request is spoilery for the last episode )

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