September 4th, 2010

[info]eleanorbishop in [info]fandom_psls

I know there's kind of a monopoly on her in the panfandom world, but is there anywhere I could play Elle Bishop? Everywhere I go, she's always played by the same person. :/ I just want to play her in a game and I promise my version isn't a crazy Sylar/Peter!cockhop.

[info]handyhandyhand in [info]fandom_psls

Looking for Jack or Doctor (any regeneration) or whatever for a possible slash storyline. I can also work with just epic bromance and friendship, Handy just wants to have fun! I haven't ever used Insanejournal before but I thought I'd give it a shot to find someone to play around with. I basically want to have some fun and give playing the metacrisis ten a proper shot, I've somehow found myself intrigued by the concept of Jack and his ever so beloved hand of the Doctor so I'm all up for that but I wouldn't mind playing off a Doctor or even the Master.

I'm fairly active and I have a preference to first person prose writing. I'm also willing to offer my AIM, I have some vague ideas so plotting would be great and so forth! I'm never good at the specifics at first!

[info]ex_predestin944 in [info]fandom_psls

Not exactly something I was planning on, but this pairing kind of snuck up on me and now I really want to explore it. Anyone out there play Dexter? More specifically, does anyone out there play Dexter who isn't completely disgusted by the idea of a Deb/Dexter line? You know, if it makes you feel any better, there's no blood relation? Eh? I'd prefer this be played over at my livejournal, but I guess I'll take what I can get.

[info]ex_daimon463 in [info]fandom_psls


So here's the skinny, I would adore another PSL set in the Red Dead Redemption world. I have one golden line that's inspiring me so much that another would be really rad. Check the journal for who I play and comment there if interested. Thanks!

April 2024



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