May 22nd, 2010

[info]ex_quinnie132 in [info]fandom_psls

x-posted; glee fever anyone?

so i've been mulling this around for weeks and finally after seeing glee live last night have decided to go for it: would there be any interest in a small glee group psl? i already have a journal set up just need to know if there's any real interest in one. it would be canon ONLY and also follow along with the timeline of the show. i wouldn't mind a comod whose as dedicated and as big of a gleek as me.

[info]eminently in [info]fandom_psls

Repo! the Genetic Opera, anyone? I'd love a GraveRobber for Shilo, but I'm open to interaction from anyone. :)

Or...Inglourious Basterds? The Bear Jew'd be particularly happy to see his lieutenant, if you know what I mean. (Wink, nudge.)

[info]hagaren in [info]fandom_psls

Would anyone be interested in a Fullmetal Alchemist psl? I'm hoping to find something based on the original anime since I haven't read the manga. Yaoi or Het although I'm a sucker for Roy/Ed and Ed/Al. Leave a comment below if interested!

[info]iamchosen in [info]fandom_psls

[info]stakesandfangs : a buffy/vampire diaries crossover

We're looking for: Xander Harris, Willow Rosenberg, Rupert Giles, Stefan Salvatore, Matt Donovan, Jeremy Gilbert, Vicki Donovan, and Tyler Lockwood. We're a friendly group, with some great writers, and we plan to start on 05/28 or earlier if we get 10 characters. Check us out at [info]stakemods!

[info]juliet_ in [info]fandom_psls

Is anyone around that plays Arthur from the current Merlin series?

April 2024



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