February 26th, 2010

[info]jimtkirk in [info]fandom_psls

Can I get a Bones or Spock for some sort of slash line. I'm seriously craving something adorable but I'm not picky and will take anything. My normal Bones seems to be MIA due to scheduling and the Olympics sooo if I can find another Bones or a Spock who won't die that would be amazing

[info]singdownthemoon in [info]fandom_psls

I am currently searching for some long term, fandom PSLs, either AIM or threading. I'm really interested in playing something that I haven't gotten to before or in a long time, especially some of my Batman based characters, Kaylee from Firefly, or any of my preferred characters from a Neon Genesis Evangelion universe. For the complete list of characters that I was able to think of to play, please check out my fandom listing here.

If you're interested in playing something, please leave a note on my contact post or comment here. If you'd like to discuss via AIM, please leave your AIM screen name. All comments will be screened. Thank you!

[info]cry_canary in [info]fandom_psls

Looking for a Davis Bloome/Doomsday for existing group Smallville psl.

More details... )

[info]katherin in [info]fandom_psls

Vampire Diaries.

Vampire Diaries:
I can play either Katherine or Elena (both if wanted), and I have a ton of ideas like Katherine being brought back as a human with no memories of her past or we can just work off the show/books. Speaking of which, I'm book and television show flexible, but threading only.
*I do not do a few sentences for my posts. We won't work if that's your scene or you fail at proper grammar/spelling.
**I am open to a group PSL if other people would be interested.

EDIT: Everything is screened, so emails and whatever info can be left here.

[info]scrapers in [info]fandom_psls

i'm interested in an antagonist and protagonist (possibly turn romantic) psl under the percy jackson fandom. i'd appreciate if it was a long term leisurely playing and thread based! details/suggestions can be found in the journal

[info]letmebeloved in [info]fandom_psls

Looking for an AU Spring Awakening line for the small, newly started [info]threesentences which is more of a quick writing exercise community than anything else and sure to be easy fun for those looking for a game that isn't serious. Looking for everyone but Melchior Gabor (though if you want another line with my Wendla, I'd be happy to oblige). Show or non-show PB's are loved and accepted!

Also on the comm are Trek characters, Natalie and Henry from Next to Normal, and Crissy from Hair. Hoping to expand!

April 2024



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