February 9th, 2010

[info]nabooqueen in [info]fandom_psls

So I've finally lucked in to a bit of free time and I miss playing Padme. Is there anyone who'd like a psl with her or, hell, I'd even take a panfandom game or group psl

[info]ex_maiev411 in [info]fandom_psls

Because I have an addiction to this game, I was wondering if anyone would be interested in forming a Dragon Age: Origins group PSL that's sort of AU to the game, in that there's more than one of the Wardens recruited at once -- i.e. all/most of the PC characters were recruited and survived the Joining process together. Of course, I'd also love to have people playing the companions, too, if there was interest in those roles. Any takers?

[info]vulcanesque in [info]fandom_psls

Heroes psl anyone? I'm up for anything to get it out of my system.

[info]roleplaysn in [info]fandom_psls

Looking to play a Ginny against a Snape. Ginny is ready and eager for some 'extra credit' to get her potions grade up.

AIM preferable, but threading is fine as well.

AIM is tehrpaim if you want to plot.

[info]everydayheroes in [info]fandom_psls

I'd love a Heroes slash line. Threading only please.

[info]aliceo in [info]fandom_psls

Hey, I'm looking for some Twilight fandom lines. I don't mind who I play against, so I'd pick up any ideas; het or femme. I'd even do it against OCs too, or settings that vary away from canon. I'd just really like to try playing Alice.

[info]driversside in [info]fandom_psls

So. I've got a weird idea for a PSL.

Dean/Impala. BUT! It sort of makes sense! Maybe the car got hit by some magic, maybe it's always secretly been a chick, maybe Dean's love and devotion to it magically turned it into a girl, but somehow his beautiful car has become a real human person. (We all know she's the only love he's ever been faithful to.) She can shift to and from the car, or is now just a girl, or whatever. Maybe it's even a guy and has resented being called Dean's baby all these years.

So. I'm open to PBs, plot, etc. This is crack, okay? I know that. But it could be fun crack with a side of adventure and awesome?

Also, as a side note, would love to do a Sam & Dean PSL, too. WINCHESTERS. FIGHTING THE GOOD FIGHT AND WHATNOT.

[info]for_me_to_know in [info]fandom_psls

Vampire Diaries PSL

Looking for people to join a Vampire Diaries psl - we have Elena, Stefan, and Damon, would love to see Bonnie, Caroline, Jeremy or whoever! We plan to set the story in the present time, and have flashbacks to Civil War days!

[info]good_twin in [info]fandom_psls

I have a few days off and I've broken up with STO for the time being sooo I could use some lines. Fandoms are: Harry Potter, Heroes, Carriers, Star Wars, Star Trek, Scrubs, Doctor Who, Resident Evil, Silent Hill, Left 4 Dead 2, Marvel, DC, and Final Fantasy/ Kingdom Hearts

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