January 21st, 2010

[info]rutian in [info]fandom_psls

I'm playing Aayla Secura over at [info]palpatinespurge, an AU Star Wars game that picks up where "Revenge of the Sith" left off. I'm obviously playing as if Aayla survived Order 66 and I would LOVE the following:

Kit Fisto - He could have survived the situation with Palpatine and they could meet up and go into hiding together?

Quinlan Vos - She could figure out that he was on Kashyyyk and rendezvous there with him?

Barriss Offee - She was on the planet with Aayla when Order 66 went down. They could have fended off troopers together.

I'd also just love to see some more aliens around. Maybe Shaak Ti or Luminara Unduli, etc. I'm willing to photoshop icons and add lightsabers to icons for people!

[info]whyso_serious in [info]fandom_psls

Looking for a Harvey Dent for a slash line involving incarceration in Arkham Asylum. After Dent is captured by authorities following his crime spree, he is given extensive plastic surgery in order to make him the way he used to be and then is put into Arkham for intensive therapy following the procedure. From there I wanted to do both a Johnathan Crane/Harvey Dent followed by Batman/Harvey Dent. I was thinking something along the lines of Joker taking over Arkham and Batman has to stop him and worry about saving guards, doctors, nurses and an ex-DA. I'm thinking set in Nolan-verse just giving the Dark Knight a bit of an alternate ending in regards to Harvey. Threading only please!

April 2024



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