September 23rd, 2008

[info]fmmods in [info]fandom_muses

We're posting October's topics early for anyone who wants to get a jump on their muse topics since Nanowrimo is just around the corner. Your mods will be participating in Nano this month, and after discussion have decided that there will be no activity check for the month of November. This is so that no writer feels the need to have to take a hiatus for the purpose of nano. Our hiatus policy has always stated that if you're on hiatus you can not rp during that time. Nano can be very stressful and sometimes you want to just blow off steam with a random topic or rp, and this way everyone can feel free to do that without the pressure of activity checks looming over them. If you're not participating in Nano you can consider this a freebie month anyway.

There will be an activity check on October 1st. If you have not completed a topic for your muse in August or September you need to do so before October 1st. There will be an activity check on November 1st. If you have not completed a topic or rp for your muse for September or October then you need to do so before November 1st. There will be NO activity check on December 1st.

Our suggestion is if you haven't posted for August that you put your activity links in the September post. As always any topic can be used for any month's activity. Anyone who has topics or rp links in September/October posts will be covered until the January 1st activity check.

Comment to this post with the link to the prompt after you write it, or rp link after you finish it. As always remember to comment here with your October prompt or rp link and add it to your memories. Also, a reminder all challenges are due on the first of the month at 12am (midnight) EASTERN time and must be 150 words minimum to count for monthly activity.

fm ij


Give what you have. To someone, it may be better than you dare to think. -Henry Wadsworth Longfellow

"However long the night, the dawn will break."- African Proverb

All human actions have one or more of these seven causes: chance, nature, compulsion, habit, reason, passion, and desire. -Aristotle

Picture: camping at night the pleasure of pain dominoes

One Word:


Misc topics:

Have you ever been in a haunted house?
How do you blow off steam?
Talk about a time when you were truly happy.


Transylvanian Concubine by Rasputina )

Disturbia by Rihanna )

I Caught Fire (In Your Eyes) by The Used )

She Hates Me by Puddle of Mudd )

Pot Kettle Black by Tilly And The Wall )

Let It Go by Tim McGraw )

June 2009

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