---☼ Useful Fandom Tools ☼---
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About fandom_how_to
Hopefully we'll have useful information for fanfic and original writers in this comm :)

August 2008
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---☼ comm maintainer's account ☼--- [userpic]
Official fandom_how_to buttons

Gopy one of these pictures:

Copy this code:

Replace INSERT_PICTURE_LINK_HERE with a link to the pic you stored on your pic account (like Photobucket). Do not hotlink to mine.

Attention: The code was updated on Feb 17!
The second official pic was added Apr 01 (credit goes to [info]hp_index_mod)


The colours come out a bit flat on the asylum symbol/picy thing I'm afraid. But I thought it might be useful to have the name on there? :-)

Sure, why not. I didn't put the name in initially because it was so long and would of covered most of the button. But I do like the way you fit it in. Would you mind if I added your version as a second official button? And you are welcome to post it of course :)

The colors don't look all that flat; the change is due to resizing, I imagine.

Of course! I'm glad you like it. You'll have to save it to your own thingy though I'm afraid.

(Thingy! I am articulate tonight!)

Diligently saved. I credited you too :)

*cuddling the thingy*