prompts to perceive - October 14th, 2007

User: [info]falsepercept (posted by [info]chatona)
Date: 2007-10-14 13:18
Subject: prompt #003
Security: Public
Tags:#003, prompt

Say it over and over and over again // until it all sinks in
and when we end this call the teardrops fall // and cling onto your chin
I know you should leave me // and I know you probably would
but sometimes I love you sounds so good

Steve Carlson - Sounds So Good

Copyright: Frank Johannes

[...] I was right. He knows everything. Like metaphors and nuclear reactors and Luke Skywalker's middle name and the ingedients of Cheerios. All in the same sentence!
So here's the deal: there's this town called Brigadoon in either Scotland or Ireland or one of those other bog places in England, where men wear skirts but don't have any balls and girls have balls but not any tits. Somehow they figured ot a way to come to life only one day out of every hundred years, and the guys who write it weren't even on mescaline. That's the good news.

Steve Kluger - Almost Like Being In Love

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March 2008