Thursday, May 15th, 2014

Who: Liam Roch and Willow Emerson
What: An encounter
When: Afternoon
Where: College Mall
Warnings: None at the moment

Boxer with anger issues in a crowded area... maybe not the best idea )
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Friday, April 25th, 2014

Who: Liam and Ophelia
What: Liam is trying to figure out all the changes and is lost in thought but finally runs into the girl he has been trying to find
When: Early evening
Where: Out on the grounds
Rating: Low for now

The world is a constantly shifting place )
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Thursday, March 27th, 2014

Who: Liam and Dusk
What: Liam working for Papi, keeping an eye on Dusk
When: Early evening
Where: picking him up from Papi's and going where ever Dusk wants to go
Rating: Low for now

evening escort )
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Monday, March 24th, 2014

Who: Liam Roch and Jane Worthington
When: March 25, 2014, late afternoon
Where: Quad
Warnings: Low?

A Marilyn Monroe moment waiting to happen )
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Saturday, March 22nd, 2014

Who: Liam and Ophelia
What: An encounter
When: early afternoon
Where: The fitness center, where fencing club is held
Warnings: Low for now

Boxers aren't the best fencers )
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Monday, March 10th, 2014

Who: Liam and Lucy
What: Start of pay off week for the auction, Liam meeting the Alpha that bought him for breakfast
When: morning, 3/10
Where: At Lucy's apartment
Rating: PG-13 for language, update as needed

Payoff )
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Saturday, March 1st, 2014

Who: Liam, Papi, and a couple NPCs
What: Liam woke up on the wrong side of the bed with a short fuse, a couple guys decide to push him, he pushes back, Papi breaks it up and seizes the opportunity. (Bad night at work, need to vent)
When: Mid morning, 3/1
Where: Inside, outside and near the fitness center
Rating: R, to be safe, violence and strong langauge from Liam

It wasn't going to be his day )
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Tuesday, February 11th, 2014

Who: Liam and Finnegan
What: Liam is out on the grounds trying to get his barrings, what happens next is up in the air
Where: The main campus
When: Tuesday, February 11th 2014, afternoon
Warnings: Language

What am I doing here? )
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