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[Jan. 21st, 2012|11:37 pm]
“Not anywhere inside,” Katsuko told him. “I’ve had enough of closed rooms for a lifetime. The roof of this place’s flat. It’ll do.”

Kakashi glanced up, shrugged one shoulder. "Good enough. Just don't wake the neighbours; they're tetchy."

He turned and started walking up the wall, glancing back to make sure she followed. Katsuko rolled her eyes and started after him, clutching the bottle of shochu to her chest when it sloshed alarmingly. The roof of the apartment complex was pretty clean, as far as roofs went. The Hokage’s Monument loomed high in the distance, stone faces carved in stern lines.

Katsuko set the six-pack down, dropping into a loose tailor’s seat. “Well?” she asked Kakashi. “You gonna stand there all night? Cause I gotta say, you’d make a good weather-vane.”

“Better lightning-rod.” But he padded over, tipping his head to look down at her with one unreadable eye, and sat. “I should seal your chakra now, if you really want to do this.”

She popped open the shochu bottle, considering. “Yeah,” she said at last. “Yeah, that’d be best. Go ahead.”

Kakashi already had a paper seal out, inking in a few last-minute additions before turning to her. “Shirt up.”

Katsuko sighed and dragged the hem of her hoodie and the t-shirt under it up, suppressing a wince as he leaned right over and stuck it on her stomach. The paper rustled, a little ominously, as Kakashi flashed through a series of hand seals that ended with a shove of chakra. A little lurch, like the world was turning on its axis, and then—nothing. The energy in her coils was locked away, easing the weight in her chest. Katsuko took a deep breath, savoring the lightness.

Kakashi sat back. "That should hold you unless you do something really stupid. It'll break down by itself in about twelve hours."

“I’m taking a day off of stupid. It’s hard work, you know, making bad decisions. Thanks.” She raised the bottle of shochu in a solemn toast, then tilted her head back and took the first deep swig.
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