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[May. 3rd, 2010|06:12 pm]

Ginta would have fallen, but another of Hedda's rainbow escorts caught him. Red grinned down at him, all shirtless, muscular eye candy and stage glitter. The whistles and cheers from the audience grew louder, and a ragged chorus of "Do it, do it, do it" had sprung up.

Ginta grinned back. "Hey," he said, and leaned back against the man with a coy ease. "Guess you're my crutches now." Red answered with a little tug that put his pelvis squarely in contact with Ginta's, and stage whispered, "That's right, Blondie. You can lean on me as long as Miss Hedda approves."

Kuromaru was looking like he was in a heaven he clearly didn't understand, as Blue and Purple stroked their hands enthusiastically up and down Kuromaru's sides. The Inuzuka was grinning open mouthed and wriggling, wagging a tail he didn't have. His eye rolled and his head swiveled as he tried to keep both men in sight at once.

Please, oh please, let someone be taping this, Ginta though fervently, searching the audience for any sign of a shiny black lens.

Hedda's parrot green boa draped over Ginta's shoulders, and the queen herself leaned in. "Glad you're back," she whispered, and for half a second her voice dropped into something altogether more masculine. "I heard your mission was a nightmare." Ginta didn't have time to try to piece together just exactly who Hedda might be without the wig and cleavage, before she raised her voice again. "You should have brought your cute friend in ages ago, Blondie."
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