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[Feb. 20th, 2008|10:33 pm]
Proud, prickly-tempered bastard that he was, Haruichi did not approve in the slightest of being talked over and being carted around like a sack of flour, nor did he approve of the way his brain felt like it was trying to crawl out of his skull and seek out pastures new. Didn't it realize he was in ANBU now? This was the pasture new, the future prospect, and his purpose and function for the next however many years. There was no getting out, he had a job to do and people who needed him to do it. Even if they pissed him off so almightily that he genuinely considered whacking Raidou in the jaw and was only dissuaded by the fact he couldn't even work out if his hands were still connected to his wrists.

"I'm not going to bleed to death," Haruichi snapped muzzily, squinting his eyes shut against the swirling sensation in his head as Raidou walked... somewhere. "I've got work to do. One of you's bound to wander in bleeding all over the carpet, bereftly wailing for someone to make the boo-boos go away... erh." An involuntary wince of pain as one of his ribs finally decided to be pissed with him for getting it stomped on.

"Got work to do..." Haruichi murmurred stubbornly, more to himself than anything else. "...I only got here an hour ago."
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