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[Feb. 15th, 2008|08:22 am]

Genma shot a hand out to steady Haruichi, catching him by the shoulder, and glancing behind him to see who, exactly, Haruichi was accusing of having caused his current predicament. "Whose fault?"

There was no-one there. In fact the only person Haruichi could possibly meant was...

"Mine? How is this my fault?" He pressed a cautious hand to Haruichi's skull and frowned. "I don't know if you've got a skull fracture or just a nice little goose egg here, Sensei, but you're definitely concussed."

He gave Raidou a look that conveyed a combination of puzzlement and disappointed annoyance. "Why the hell did you just beat the shit out of Haruichi? He's hardly in your league. And what the hell was going on with Arakaki?"

There had to be some answer in there, somewhere. Haruichi was an annoying bastard at times, but you just didn't beat up on medics no matter how much they pissed you off. They were the ones who were going to piece you back together after your next injury, give you an injection for that "rash" you caught on your mission to Rain, and certify you fit to take your next mission, after all.
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