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[Jul. 12th, 2009|02:11 am]

Yanagi chuckled, feeling like he was melting slowly into the mattress. "I'd find a way around it. Which is stronger, kami or aphrodisiacs? Would a kami even work on me? I mean, maybe you'd be all trying to kami-whammy me, an' I'd just be sayin', 'I don't believe in kami,' an' it wouldn't work."

He lifted his hand again, settling it on top of Genma's head, so near him. The IV line moved, too, looking like trails of ethereal chakra somehow pulled from his body. He tapped his fingers on Genma's skull. "But I'm glad you lived anyway. An' now you're in ANBU. Isn't that nice." He smiled. "You're like... my first ANBU friend. Except for Manako. An' that guy who taught me the codes. He was real nice, too. An' my first mission partner. Well. No. I didn't like him, even though he sorta gave me some tips."

Then a sobering thought occurred to him. "If I pass out, you're gonna make sure I don't vomit and choke to death, right? That's just no way to get on the hero's stone..."
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