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[Jul. 12th, 2009|02:08 am]

Yanagi chuckled, letting his hand dangle off the bed. His mind was drifting on the morphine high, every limb seeming to grow heavier and heavier. "Man, I bet you'd come back as a sex kami. Kami of... of erections or something." He grinned, knowing it was loopy but unable to bring himself to care. "Good thing you didn't die when I threw you over that waterfall, or I'd probably never get another hard-on..." He paused, then added thoughtfully, "And I'd be dead."

He lifted his hand again, with great effort, and ran a line down Genma's arm. Touching for the sake of touching. Enjoying life and flesh, even without any sexual aspect to it. His hand came to rest just below Genma's elbow, feeling the pulse there under a thin sheath of skin. "Oh, man," he breathed. "I'm so high. You should have some morphine, too." The world spun slowly, and he didn't mind at all. Distantly, he was aware that poison and antidote were duking it out over his body, but he didn't mind that, either.
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