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[Jul. 12th, 2009|02:06 am]

Yanagi let the strand of hair fall, and lazily picked another one up. "Yeah. And sometimes weird stuff, too. I was eating green curry shrimp a while back, and had this memory, clear as day, of laughing over food with--" he hesitated. "--with a friend of mine." He continued, quieter, "We used to eat green curry shrimp a lot. There was a take-out place nearby..."

A friend who'd died, when Yanagi had finally been able to return a complete report of who was in that political niche. Konoha had sent their Hunters in and killed the whole squad. Very effective. Very clean, he'd been told. No survivors, thanks to his work. Not even their contacts had escaped.

Those hadn't really been his friends. He pushed it aside and ran the backs of his knuckles down Genma's hair. His voice sounded strained when he spoke again. "I guess everyone lost friends and family in the recent attack, huh? I mean, from what I heard the casualties were pretty high."
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