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[Jul. 12th, 2009|02:04 am]

Yanagi stretched his fingers out again, running them through the closest edge of Genma's hair. It was soft, if not perfectly clean. "I'm sorry," he said quietly. His muscles loosened, the hand laying on the bed relaxing. He hadn't been there for the Fox.

It was moments like this he was glad.

"Saw a lot of that in the War," he continued. "I mean -- I don't have sisters. But... teammates, friends." He trailed his fingers down Genma's hair again, looping a strand so it slid between his index and middle. "Got really tired of watching everyone die." He smiled faintly. "S'why I'm in Intel."

Out here, you didn't fight. You snuck, you hid, you spied. You tricked and lied and might get yourself killed, but rarely did you engage in out and out battle. Rarely did you see teammates get carted off the field, or hear them moaning in pain because no one could get to them.

He blinked slowly, drawing himself back to the here and now. "I'm sorry about your family."
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