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[Jun. 28th, 2009|12:38 am]

Rina's eyes widened, and she tossed the diagram to the side, leaning over the bed. "No, don't--" He'd done something; the chakra restraint seals had flashed bright. Pulling out her magnifying glass, she bent over his closest-suspended wrist, fingertips hovering bare millimeters above angry, inflamed skin.

The overtaxed chakra routing seals could scarcely handle the flow as it was. If he'd flared...

One hand settled automatically on his shoulder, attempting to soothe--her little brother Takuya, trembling and burning with fever--and she held the magnifying glass with the other, her eyes racing down the twining seal-paths, searching for interruptions. She couldn't see the chakra-flow--she wasn't a Hyuuga--but with the faint luminescent glow and her full senses tracing along the line, it was easy to tell when there was a problem.

There was a problem.

"Hold still," she cautioned sharply, and lifted her hand away from his shoulder to quickly fish out a calligraphy brush and small bottle of ink from her belt pouch. Her focus still locked fully on the faltering light from a minuscule region of stop-gap guidance seals, she held the brush between her teeth and opened the ink bottle one-handed.

There--the broken seal. Setting the ink bottle down on the side table, she reached out towards his hand--oh so carefully--with the bare brush.
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