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[Jun. 28th, 2009|12:37 am]

"You promise," Genma echoed. "You promise?" It was almost funny. How could she possibly promise anything of the sort? But he'd seen her diagrams, seen the animated motion. He could stare at the goal laid out in shimmering, multicolored lines of ink on her scroll.

"You and Ito-sensei together, right? Made this. Can fix this?" It looked impossible; he couldn't even read the script for some of the more arcane seals that had flitted across the page. He still remembered the starting point, the desecrated lines and savaged linkages.

Staring at the inky chakra lines, for half a second he traced the pathways in his own body. It was almost an instinct to compare what he saw with his own experience. It was a mistake. A huge mistake. Fractured chakra pathways, crushed coils, echoed like a collapsing ruin after a massive earthquake. Genma went very still, very pale, and wrenched his eyes away from the papers.

"You can promise all you want," he panted. "Fuck... It hurts."
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