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[May. 28th, 2009|07:39 pm]

"Are we having an adult conversation?" Asuma ducked beneath a low branch that arched over the path, and quirked a lopsided smile. "Remind me to ask about anatomy more often."

He managed to dodge when Natsumi bent the branch back and almost swiped the back of his skull off. And again when he cast an obvious leer at her anatomy and got a low-flying ballistic pine cone in return.

She really was just too easy to like.

And not that built, if he actually stopped to think about it. Curvy for a kunoichi, but anything looked curvy next to the average shinobi woman's teenage-boy-chic. Asuma had come up with a private theory in his youth involving Tsunade, a breast-stealing jutsu, and too much time spent listening to Jiriaya...

He refocused on the path as they hit the one mile marker, highlighted by the tiny red-paint torii gate of the shrine, and put the final touches on his phantom servant's uniform. The client had provided Intel with enough information about their personal colours and crest; it was easy to jury-rig a decent enough replica.

In purple.

"Y'know, I don't think this is really my colour." He tugged a cloth bag with the same crest out of his (now hidden) hip pouch, and stooped to fill it with stones from the path. Just enough to give it the weight of money they didn't have: a pretend ransom. Then he straightened up and spun on one heel, hands held out. "What d'you reckon? Still pretty though, right?"

Natsumi could talk about tactics if she really wanted, but it was more fun to do without.
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