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[Apr. 27th, 2009|07:57 pm]
Her brain. It was vibrating. Katsuko blinked rapidly as Kuromaru's whine rumbled in his throat, where it was pressed against the back of her neck, and reverberated in her skull. "We know you're not," She said soothingly, "Just...don't talk anymore, okay? You're making my head buzz."

Luckily, the training field that she and Tsume had sparred in--Katsuko's old genin team's training field, to be precise--was only a couple of blocks from the hospital. Sensei had chosen the old field for a reason, after all. They reached the hospital after ten minutes of rapid, silent walking through a series of almost-empty streets. The people at the main desk didn't even blink as she strode in with a giant wolf on her back.

"This is where I leave you guys." Katsuko said finally, standing in the main lobby of the hospital. "Good luck. Sorry about the spar." She knelt down to let Kuromaru get off of her shoulders.

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