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[Apr. 27th, 2009|07:52 pm]

Tsume looked at the woman with the canine hat, looked at Kuromaru's happily panting face--even if his eye had gotten quite a bit bigger--and laughed. Katsuko, tall and slender, looked like she should snap in half. Kuromaru, seeming even bulkier now that he was sprawled over her back and shoulders, standing in her hands so he towered above her, looked pleased with life.

"I'll clear the way," she said at last, and started toward the exit to the training fields, picking the widest path she could find between trees.

"You know," Tsume heard Kuromaru say behind her, "when I was a pup I got to ride on Tsume's head." She looked back to see him lower his jaw and rest it on the top of Katsuko's skull. His tail drifted side to side behind them. His only ear was slowly flopping, a radar to his mood now that the excitement of being carried somewhere had worn off. He was tired, weary, and burned out.

Tsume tripped on a root and nearly planted face first into leaf mold. Maybe he wasn't the only one. She blinked and paid closer attention to where she was putting her feet.
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