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[Apr. 27th, 2009|07:48 pm]
Awww. Wasn't that cute. Katsuko chuckled at Kuromaru's complaint(s) and looked over at Tsume. "Really, it isn't a problem. I'm all energetic and ready to carry things again. See?" She grinned widely (a little bit too widely) and bounced on the balls of her feet to demonstrate her readiness-to-carry. Wasn't like she had anything to do, and getting Kuromaru to the hospital seemed to be becoming more of a pressing issue as the seconds passed.

Her revitalized chakra hummed in her veins, making her feel slightly giddy. "I fiddled with my chakra system, see? So now I can boost my chakra into my muscles when I carry Kuromaru, and it won't be any trouble at all! Unless we don't start moving now. Because doing the chakra makes me kind of. Um. Bouncy." Hyper high giddy excited twitchy spastic. "So I'm good to go. It's up to you guys what to do now."

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