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[Apr. 27th, 2009|07:34 pm]

Kuromaru sidled over to Tsume and spoke through the side of his mouth--no mean feat when you were a canine. "I think she has a speech impediment."

"You have a brain impediment," Tsume snorted, her eyes trained on the other woman. With the kunoichi giving off all the vibes of escape now!, Tsume felt on solid ground again.

Kuromaru leaned toward Katsuko as if that would help and nearly shouted, "It's okay! We can smell you're upset! You don't have to say complete sentences! Just nod yes or no!"

Tsume forced back the urge to crack up and walked five paces away, pulling a kunai out of the soft spring ground. She flipped it, catching the blade between nimble fingers, and offered it hilt-first to its owner. "You're not really going to take off just because I yelled and he's a moron, are you?"

"We're friendly!" Kuromaru shouted.
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