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[Apr. 27th, 2009|07:12 pm]

"I'm up for it," Kuromaru declared confidently. He hopped up to his feet, looking enthused about sparring again.

Tsume eyed both ninja, instinct telling her to guard herself against showing weakness at all costs, and logic telling her that this ANBU was a teammate. Pack mind and human mind warred for a long moment, her gaze wary on the both of them.

Crotchticks, the woman was a teammate, and it would help in re-learning how to use her crippled pathways if she actually had someone to pit herself against. She wouldn't be as weak as when she'd sparred with Raidou; he'd shown her several tricks, pushed her into fighting decently, and she had chakra now. Not as much, true, but it was still there.

Tsume nodded once. "Sure. We've gotta keep it light. Minor jutsu." She hesitated another moment, then finally shrugged. "Chakra pathways were damaged. We're working around it until they're sure things are all right, and that Hyuuga--" she stopped and reworded, "Haruichi removes the final blocks."
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