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[Dec. 6th, 2008|05:46 pm]

"Um..." Genma shifted nervously, watching the dog happily devouring the spilt cookies. He wasn't quite sure if that nudge had been more of a 'sit before you fall, fool' gesture or an 'it's okay, we love you even though you're kind of dumb'. Probably it was really a silent combination of both, plus 'move, please, you are obstructing the cookies which, being on the floor, are now rightfully mine.' Dogs were enigmatic that way.

Hoshi's look, on the other hand, was unmistakable. She might not be a ninja herself, but Genma'd seen that expression cross a kunoichi's face more than once in a battle or a spar. It was a look that said, 'I can take you down, and I know it. And you know it.' The sad thing was, Genma had to agree.

Of course that was partly because he wouldn't dream of using anything resembling lethal force, even if Hoshi did decide to tackle him. But really, with women, when they wanted you to do something, it was usually a better idea to just go along with it. He'd learned that from his sisters quite well.

"Sorry." He would never consider using chakra against Hoshi, but he was far from above using it on himself to get his leg to behave as he lowered himself back to the floor. He could feel the drain of even that little usage, like an ache so deep it was hard to pinpoint.

He leaned over to right a tipped over teacup, glad it had been nearly empty, and glanced up at Hoshi again, with an expression that probably hadn't graced his face since he'd been sixteen and trying to get out of trouble with Yumiko.
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