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[Dec. 6th, 2008|05:46 pm]
Colossally unperturbed, Hoshi and Pika both sat there and looked up at Genma. Ignored the upturned tea service and cookie carnage, and merely watched the man who'd shown up at their door to yell at Haruichi for being injured crunch himself into a wall because his leg wouldn't take his weight.

They both just sat there and looked up at him, and two faces never more in the world ever said "I told you so" without resorting to words.

But Pika took pity on Genma before Hoshi was going to, and shuffled over to his side to headbutt him in the knee before setting about hoovering up the tasty crumbs on the floor. Hoshi hopped up to her feet, looped her arms behind her back, and peered up at Genma with perfect wordless expression in her bright orange eyes.

He could sit down and rest, or she could sit on him and make him. And what Haruichi would say if he came home to that scene, she was perfectly willing to risk.
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