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[Dec. 6th, 2008|05:16 pm]
Hoshi's honey-coloured skin definitely reddened when she realized what Genma had just said, but it didn't stop her from managing to take her hand down from her cheek and sign at Genma - which made a nice cover for giving her guest a nippy little kick with one bare foot at the same time.

All things said it was probably better Genma couldn't (yet) make out what she unthinkingly signed at him, and she snatched her hands down to write on another bit of paper - but there was no mistaking the smug tilt she couldn't keep out of her smile as she did.

--I think the cat was out of the bag the first time Haruichi got back at four in the morning. Especially since he was only supposed to be going to the temple for evening prayers. Honda-taichou told me she probably would have killed him if she hadn't been laughing so hard at his excuse. I'm sort of certain that only Haruichi would try and get away with saying he'd been waylaid by an "anatomical study" when he was sneaking back into the inn right before dawn with ink all over his clothes from tripping over my easel.--

Though that last part had been kind of her fault for... erh... being such a distraction to such a sure-footed man. Hoshi nearly laughed just remembering the whole thing.
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