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[Dec. 6th, 2008|04:46 pm]

Genma smiled, because what else could he do when faced with something that cute. Although being he was Genma, there were always options. He glanced up at Hoshi with a twinkle in his eye. "So you actually stole our dear Haruichi's precious virginity? And on a mission! You dangerous minx, you." He laughed and leaned back as a precaution against the slap that might be coming. But instinct told him that Hoshi was perhaps a little more on the fun-loving side of life than her mate, so maybe he'd be safe.

"You know mission captains usually turn a blind eye to that sort of thing unless it's really disruptive. They must have liked you a whole lot if you interfered enough to catch their attention and they still let you come back with them."
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