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[Dec. 6th, 2008|04:41 pm]

Rain. Rain falling. Or maybe tears. Maybe both. That war-torn country was certainly a place where tears were as common as raindrops. It was also the place where Genma had encountered orange eyes before. He nodded, slowly. "Haruichi and you met when he was on a mission there?" That seemed as good a guess as any. Likely she was a refugee. Likely an orphan. What else could persuade a person to pick up and leave her home altogether, especially a deaf person, unless her ties to her home were irreversibly broken?

He hoped he wasn't the one who'd killed her family. Although he was sure he'd gotten all of the orange-eyed targets on his list: ninja with a rogue bloodline. He'd cut out their eyes and brought them back to Konoha. And Hoshi wasn't a ninja. Didn't have a chakra signature like one.

But Karma was a bitch like that sometimes.

"Bet you made his mission a lot sweeter than it otherwise would have been. You like living here so far?"
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