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[Dec. 6th, 2008|04:03 pm]

Hoshi's writing was really quite elegant, even when she was writing in haste. And now that she was taking the time to gather her thoughts and form her words, it really bloomed. She could be a calligrapher, Genma thought. She could work in docs and forgeries, if they needed money. Although her status as an immigrant might be an obstacle. But she was allowed inside the village, living with a man who was ANBU, Hyuuga clan, and a doctor. If that didn't show Konoha trusted her, not much would.

"He was chakra depleted. It's pretty common, after a hard mission. I am, too, right now, actually. I'm sure they won't ask him to do any jutsu, if they know about it. Although he's an idiot for casting jutsu when he knows he's in that state. But he's always an idiot about things like this."

Genma's eyes stayed on Hoshi's face. He wasn't entirely sure she really understood him. "You know about chakra, right?" he asked, and reached for the paper and wrote the characters for 'chakra' in carefully precise script.
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