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[Dec. 6th, 2008|04:00 pm]

Genma wisely kept out of the way while Haruichi and Hoshi said their goodbyes. He didn't even bother to give Haruichi a parting warning not to be an idiot. The man was going to the hospital, after all. If he looked too unstable, his colleagues would undoubtedly tie him down and buff him up before they let him come home.

Hoshi, though, looked really worried. She was trying to pretend she wasn't, for all of thirty seconds. And then her facade fell apart and she passed Genma that note. He read it at a glance, then read it again.

"He fainted? When? He did a jutsu and it made him lose consciousness?" That was worrying. She had good reason to be worried if that was happening. "Do they know about this? The other medics, I mean?"
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