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[Dec. 4th, 2008|03:25 pm]
Haruichi's eyes flicked away from Hoshi at the sound, and when he saw the messenger bird his expression shifted just slightly, responsibility asserting itself in his features. He reached over to gently touch Hoshi's knee, a silent sign not to worry, and then got up to his feet and paced over to the closed glass to allow the bird in.

The sleek brown kestrel held its leg out for him, golden eyes fixed firmly on Haruichi's white ones. He carefully unhooked the scrap of paper, unrolling it with his thumbs and flicking his eyes over the coded message within. Before he was done the bird was gone, hurling itself off into the pale morning brightness with a whistle and a flash of wings, and before it was out the shadow of the apartments Haruichi knew he had to leave.

And so did Hoshi, after taking just one look at him when he turned around. She scribbled a note out and passed it to Genma (--excuse us, please--) and was then up on her own feet, hand on one hip and eyes on Haruichi's. If ever trouble was given a pose - that was it, and didn't Haruichi know it. He picked up his cast-bound arm and did his best to sign despite it, movements slower and clunkier than usual. Still, so far as Hoshi was concerned if he couldn't sign he shouldn't be out the flat so he knew better than to ask her to lipread. Not to mention that he wasn't sure he wanted Genma hearing what he might wind up saying.

~I have to go see a patient at the hospital.~

Her nose scrunched slightly, a tell tale sign of annoyance. ~You just got out of there, Haruichi. You're on leave.~ Her fingers were moving deliberately clearly, but quickly enough to signify her temper on the matter.

He tried not to wince as he shifted his arm. ~Somebody's hurt, Hoshi.~

~You! You're hurt! You're supposed to stay here and heal!~ And now the restraint in her movements was out the window.

~I'll be fine. It's just a consultation.~ Hoshi scowled at that, but he pressed on, wracking his memory for the right signs. ~She just needs to see her own medic.~

~Well I'm sure you'll inspire her with confidence when you show up looking like a breeze could knock you over.~

Haruichi hadn't known until he met Hoshi that somebody could be so sarcastic with a tip of their palm, but when that was clearly supposed to be him tipping over he definitely saw it. And somehow he couldn't help a small smirk of appreciation. ~Thanks for that.~

The scowl vanished, but not the worry in her eyes. ~You're welcome. I have plenty more.~

He tried again. ~I'm her--~ She put her hand out, stopping his fingers. The same as placing her fingers over his lips to hush him. She lifted her free hand, one simple gesture.

~I know.~

Despite himself, Haruichi felt worse for her understanding. His eyes searched hers for a moment, thinking of the best way to leave her here and knowing it almost immediately. ~Keep an eye on Genma for me, he probably shouldn't be...~ She just gave him a glare and he quickly shut himself up. ~...I'll be back in half an hour or so.~

Hoshi rolled her eyes slightly. ~You'd better. Or I'm bringing him with me when I come looking for you.~

Apprehension of the row he'd get from both of them was enough to ensure Haruichi's swift return, so he nodded and let his tired arm drop after his clumsy attempt at the conversation. He looked to Genma, who no doubt knew and understood without having to be told.

"I'll be back soon, Genma. Orders. Can you stay with Hoshi for a while, please? Finish your tea, perhaps."
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